Other > Gang Issues

For The Khans haters.

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--- Quote from: Josh on August 25, 2011, 12:38:45 am ---hmm a baseraper wanted by some people who now rape bases in retaliation... sure why wouldn't someone want you on board? :P

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Well naturally I would only join a faction who can see both sides of the story, and one that would be smart enough to have a separate place for gear. Also, you could know my history and invite me, or I could just make another character, be the same person, and continue on my merry way. It doesn't really matter when you think about it.


--- Quote from: Feervich on August 25, 2011, 12:47:10 am ---Well naturally I would only join a faction who can see both sides of the story, and one that would be smart enough to have a separate place for gear. Also, you could know my history and invite me, or I could just make another character, be the same person, and continue on my merry way. It doesn't really matter when you think about it.

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Honestly I don't think many factions would take you in, you're a security risk from what I've read.


--- Quote from: Feervich on August 25, 2011, 12:47:10 am ---Well naturally I would only join a faction who can see both sides of the story, and one that would be smart enough to have a separate place for gear. Also, you could know my history and invite me, or I could just make another character, be the same person, and continue on my merry way. It doesn't really matter when you think about it.

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No need for separate stash when you are a small,peaceful faction.Now thi ngs changed,a lot.
£ security levels,and even with those i am not that sure.
99 percent of stuff lies in my tent.And i am sorry,because i wanted an open to all stash,based on our philosophy of complete trust of each others.

This thread is a prime example of the general lack of understanding most players have about how a real raider clan works.

*The Khans has been around for 11 years, raiding through different games since the release of fallout tactics, losing shit items is no biggie and most of it was not gathered by us...
*In fonline the Khans have a number of different self-sufficient chapters designed like terror-cells as well as many different bases.
*Some characters wear the tag, some do not.

In this thread Rain has showed everyone his skills in infiltration, manipulation of lesser minded sheep (Senrain) and baseraping, these are values that we drug-crazed berzerkers in the Khans "pagan-division" hold in great respect... Rain is of course not the only raider who use these arts to decieve and harm his enemies.

"As said,i shal rape any base,and burn down any place where you go.I do not forget." -Rain
For your information, the person playing Crapple got a character in a famous apk guild, figure it out and go rape away...

Once a raider, always a raider.


The Khans always has been evil side of Fallout and they always stay like them :)
If you don't like evil side then hate The Khans. If you like evil side then support them and help with TC etc..

Personally i hate both good and evil side.
I like my personal side.


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