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Questions and Answers #5
Is there anything more in-depth on mercs than wiki? if so could you point me to it, i tried searching but couldn't find anything - too cluttered with random stuff.
My main question is - do mercs use ammo? I'm guessing yes but just want to confirm.
Yes, mercs use ammo, and their weapons deter.
Slaver Snipe:
If you are planning on not trying to player hunt (or even if you are and you are only after 1-2 players at a time) sharpened spears are quite good, good damage penetrate perk and it doesn't det/use ammo. Supersledges are also fun but are a lot pricier.
Is PVP real-time or turn-based?
Does AP play a role in PVP?
Thanks in advance
--- Quote from: Dragfest on September 11, 2011, 10:17:05 pm ---Is PVP real-time or turn-based?
--- End quote ---
Can be both in encounters, but in towns, RT only.
--- Quote from: Dragfest on September 11, 2011, 10:17:05 pm ---Does AP play a role in PVP?
--- End quote ---
Yes, a very, very, very important role.
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