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Questions and Answers #5

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No, 2x of the same drug don't stack. It used to, but not anymore.


--- Quote from: Eternauta on September 16, 2011, 04:00:16 pm ---From Changelog 19/12/2010:

If I want to, say, do the Dogs of L.A. quest in Turn Based, do I have to switch to TB before getting the quest from Hendriks or can I talk to him while on RT, then travel to the quest location circle and switch to TB before entering?

--- End quote ---

The answer here.

Can I have more then one tent? If so, were is the best place for a low level gunsmith to make money? (Aytum or NCR ot else)?


--- Quote from: BrancoXIII on September 20, 2011, 07:17:05 pm ---Can I have more then one tent? If so, were is the best place for a low level gunsmith to make money? (Aytum or NCR ot else)?

--- End quote ---

The Wiki is your friend!

1. use wiki that Eternauta graciously posted a link to.
2. worst place are the safe towns due to rampant thieving/griefing, other towns have PvP action and/or Pkers. its a matter of preference, but my personal theory is that you want to find a safe place to do craft then leave stock at tent and sell in towns not directly involved in fighting atm.


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