Other > Gang Issues
Gecko mine cleaning project
Khans are funny, killed 4 one time and I remember almost feeling sorry for them and I don't have that feeling to often. Section 8 salutes the Khans trolling skills! We might even consider an alliance in the future...
--- Quote from: TheGreenHand on August 12, 2011, 04:50:35 am ---I don't believe you. And while I have no doubt that you're dense enough not to know who Josef Mengele is, most people who know anything about anything do. And the fact that one of your fellow rodeo clowns even has the nickname "Angel of Death" makes this "coincidence" even more unlikely.
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For everyones information;
My tribute-tag in this forum to the band Slayer has nothing to do with the truly missed 'TKs-Mengele' (RIP, never forget). Mengele used to laugh and sing he did... As a matter of fact Mengele is both a common german and a rare south american name.
Just searched and went through 'TheGreenHand's posts;
You good sir are beyond whining, you are wailing! FROM NOW ON AND FOREVER, whenever the mind-tearing echoes of loud crying is vibrating through the radiated wasteland sky, that phenomenon shall be known as a 'TheGreenHand'. Also, everyone whining atleast at half your strength, it shall be refered to as: [Player] is doing the TGH.
--- Quote from: avv on August 12, 2011, 09:29:57 am ---Not all factions are trying to become hated.
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And somehow they still manage to become hated. Funny, isn't it?
--- Quote from: Frenchy on August 12, 2011, 09:50:44 am ---http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele
I think the reputation of this name is now dirty
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Should someone with name "Robespierre" be banned too?
How about "Bathory"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Bathory
--- Quote from: Senrain on August 12, 2011, 03:16:49 am ---Indeed, The Khans have been around for around a month and yet we're quickly becoming one of the most infamous gangs in FOnline.
Just chilling in town many people will attempt to burst, rocket, and plant bombs on me. Believe me, I take those bursts like a champ, because what it all means is that we've definitely made our presence known in this game, a certain GM I won't name even going out of their way to find reasons to ban our members.
(Mengele is a common german name and I still think he should be unbanned.)
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I miss him to Senrain, we all do. For a second I almost did a 'TheGreenHand' when the news reached me.
This faction will be striped down of there members over time, i hope they realise soon how stupid they act.
I have no doubt in my mind this faction will collapse.
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