Other > Gang Issues
Gecko mine cleaning project
Luther Blissett:
Yes, I'm well aware of this :D
I'll wait until I've got a lot of time off work, as there's no point in trying to flame and troll back if I don't have time to do it properly :P
--- Quote from: John Porno on August 11, 2011, 10:35:39 pm ---I'm probably speaking for every pvp gang out there when I'm saying that the only thing we want is to see The Khans in Town Control. This is the one and only thing that matters on this server and if you don't prove yourself there you can just go back to killing bluesuits at the hub.
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I think what he's saying is that for a gang like The Khans who make outlandish claims as to their power, this is the only way they can truly prove it, so therefore the only thing that matters.
And it's a valid point. The only reputation they've gained has been as the guys who talk themselves up in their bases without leaving to do any kind of gang combat. So, essentially: circle jerks.
So until that changes, everything they say is really just hot air. I can sit in a safe and unknown location and tell everyone how awesome I am too. But I don't, because I'm not a douche.
John Porno:
--- Quote from: Surf on August 11, 2011, 11:09:58 pm ---Since when are there only 2 extremes in the game? (TC/NCR)
There are (ok, were) quite a lot loonies playing just for fun, without actively engaging in any of the above mentionend.
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My point is that most of these players are not really visible. Not everyone has a forum account and uses irc. The only time these players come in contact with anyone else is either when they hang around in hub/ncr or meet somebody in a random enc. The dialouge usually is limited to either "hi" "peace" or nothing, as we all can imagine. The game itself forces people into a paranoia which makes establishing contacts a lot harder as well.
The players that make this game are in the big gangs. This is not wow, there is no global chat. The only way to reach the whole server is to start a tc timer.
It's sad that wwp is gone as that was another opportunity for people to get involved.
In the end though all the big gangs are sitting on their irc/mumble/ts and wait for some action to start. You can't basically reach any tttla, hawk, vsb, c88, tsar, rouge, cs, pirate or any other tc gang by killing brahmin or hanging in ncr.
TC is this game's "late game" content and there is no way around getting into contact with the previously mentioned gangs if you want to participate.
The strange thing is that nobody inside the gangs would notice if suddenly all loners disappeared and vice versa. We have these two different "societies" on this server that don't really interfere with each other.
The only problem is that the khans are in the first group and try to get into the second, while already bragging about their nonexistent victories.
Khans have tags, so we represent 24/7, which is why we get so much hate. and forum posts, despite being one of the newest gangs.
It's amazing how much more I hear about the Khans, than C88, or TTTLA. Infact, I rarely hear ANYTHING about the last two, unless its "c88 pwns you." or "come to x location and you'll get owned by c88." I believe the term is weak-sauce, which is why I'm a Khan, and gladly accept all those bursts to my face in NCR.
Secondly, I'd like to thank all these posts because more and more people come up to me and ask how to become a Khan every day.
Indeed, The Khans have been around for around a month and yet we're quickly becoming one of the most infamous gangs in FOnline.
Just chilling in town many people will attempt to burst, rocket, and plant bombs on me. Believe me, I take those bursts like a champ, because what it all means is that we've definitely made our presence known in this game, a certain GM I won't name even going out of their way to find reasons to ban our members.
(Mengele is a common german name and I still think he should be unbanned.)
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