Other > Gang Issues
Gecko mine cleaning project
--- Quote from: John Porno on August 11, 2011, 10:35:39 pm ---
I'm probably speaking for every pvp gang out there when I'm saying that the only thing we want is to see The Khans in Town Control. This is the one and only thing that matters on this server and if you don't prove yourself there you can just go back to killing bluesuits at the hub.
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I must've missed a memo or something.
John Porno:
clanmembers of tc gangs make up most of the community and in order to get yourself a name and respect you have to do tc.
sounds like grove street but this is basically what it comes down to.
Also, I rather sit 15 minutes in town control than sit for more than 5seconds in ncr.
And Michael, "Prove oneself" is another thing than "proving something to someone".
Since when are there only 2 extremes in the game? (TC/NCR)
There are (ok, were) quite a lot loonies playing just for fun, without actively engaging in any of the above mentionend.
Luther Blissett:
I take new players hunting for Brahmin, sometimes go on little adventures travelling with strangers, helping them to get to other cities or get XP. Fight in PVE with small groups. Get shot to pieces by the occasional rocket launcher. Mine or gather every now and again and make some new ammo or armour.
Slow and easy-going fun. That keeps me happy. Never really gone into great detail with TC, PVP, RP or gang politics. Might do each again some point, but no hurry.
I might be in a minority, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.
--- Quote from: Luther Blissett on August 11, 2011, 11:22:34 pm ---Slow and easy-going fun. That keeps me happy. Never really gone into great detail with TC, PVP, RP or gang politics. Might do each again some point, but no hurry.
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New enemies are always welcome, but as you can see, you better be prepared for intensive trolling and flamewar if you involve into PvP :P
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