Other > Gang Issues
Gecko mine cleaning project
Hmm... BWM (Black Water Mercenaries)
Bring some memories :)
btw they got nice fiber collector bot at base.. fibers everywhere!
iI it was no fun, then why take all the screenshots, and gloat about it?
--- Quote ---Gargantua, please stop making a big deal out of this. I can tell you it isn't.
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Did I make this thread? Oh wait, no I didn't. If this is such a non-event then why are you posting aboutit? Thanks, here's your hypocrite membership card.
--- Quote ---If you want to upset the game, try to do something original that relies on your skills and not faulty AI mechanics.
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And spawning behind a car isn't a faulty game mechanic? Oh wait, that relied on your skills right? I forgot. And if you "preferred" fighting players, maybe you shouldn't have gone to fight the ghouls in the first place? You CHOSE to go there.
All I'm seeing here is a bunch of whiny double talk and outright hypocrisy,
Love us or hate us, you're dumb asses are talking about us. That was the purpose of the attack, you fell for it. Worse, most of you have made yourselves look like fools in the process.
Khans win this round.
The Tic Tac Toe Loser Alliance can hit the road.
--- Quote ---And if you "preferred" fighting players, maybe you shouldn't have gone to fight the ghouls in the first place? You CHOSE to go there.
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You know, APK gangs don't spend their days shouting "OMG U HARR BLACKLISTED!".
Sometimes we also kill random Pkers camping places to score some bluesuits kills. Sound strange, uh?
--- Quote ---Khans win this round.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, sure.
Lame kid action with sux feature and flamewar +rage cry hmmm i like that topic :)
Mercs traps are just funny because its show 2 things low skill of dude what use it or totally boredness
John Porno:
--- Quote from: Gargantua on August 11, 2011, 06:05:53 pm ---The Tic Tac Toe Loser Alliance can hit the road.
--- End quote ---
still waiting for an actual player versus player fight then, will be fun to watch. Even if you had the numbers, you guys would still lack experience which is quite obvious.
Also quite obvious is the fact that you are trying to compensate lack of skill with spamming mercs/slaves, while having a big mouth on the forum. You clearly are living in your own dreamland as you are putting things totally out of proportion.
You got 3 groups of people on this server: first the loners that are just playing by themselves and dont partcipate on the forums or on irc. Then you have people who have build themselves a reputation over the months/years and are active in the community though they dont belong to any gang, and then you finally have the gangs who are engaged in pvp/tc and matter in the overall constellation of gangs on this server.
And the only thing that matters for the third group is TC, nothing else. If you think you are cool because you have a lot of ghouls, then fine, so be it. You can dream all you want but nobody cares (inb4 I care because im writing this and therefore my logic is flawed, blabla skip the trolling).
Unless you start to engage in serious battles your shiny little circle jerk of a gang means nothing. And sadly, I don't see you guys anywhere close to tc'ing as then your dream world would come crumbling down in a few seconds, no matter if hawks, tttla, cs or any other gang will have the fortune to arrive first.
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