If u dont care about crits, why 10 lk?!?!?!
This build sucks badly... even with pack rat weight limit is way too low.
BA + Lsw + ammo + sstims + your drugs + room for BA, lsw and so on of enemy u will kill ((i really doubt it, but its pvp build so u have to think about searching dead bodies)). Even with buffout still is way too low. And really annoying to live with it.
HP - yours its not good choice. I mean: there are some values that are useless. U cant survive 2 bg bursts from close range, and u cant survive 3 bg bursts from range. That means: make EN 10 and lifegiver which make the difference, or go another way; less hp, but more sequence.
I think with that build u cant take down good burster, u cant take down good sniper, or crippler. I think u even could have problems with pistoller crafter... if that build isnt made for pvbluesuits, than change something...