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--- Quote from: Kelin on December 16, 2011, 02:12:29 pm ---So you expected server to be wiped after three months of a season?

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1st session - 2 weeks
2nd session - 3 months
3rd session - 4 months
4th session - 5 months
5th session - 16 months and rising!

Numbers don't lie, people ARE leaving 2238, really I expect a much different game after wipe.

This is truely shame for You Devs 16 months without wipe and more than 8 (!) months without any changelog, You should start to search new people for this, this server had good potential and You seems to be bored at all, maybe think about retire and give access to other people with high skill to be as developer.
Shame for You nothing more to say, so much people got tired of waithing, is it so hard to just fu**ing wipe this  even without any major changes and people get happy and play, You think all wait for revolutioning changes- no, You dont understand something people just need many people playing for more fun with easy rules to get it after some days of playing, now it's like new player play this 1 day and quit,
Really You try to make this game like WoW or something, we dont need it to be like that, we need wasteland and citied full of players, like in 2nd season was i remember well that was so much fun, todays its game for masochists and maximum bored person
Just do the wipe after 3-5 months even You havent finished your changes, it's the easiest way to keep this server alive, You try with 3d models etc, waste of time and money for this, i loved all models with sound and normal kill animations, now rats, deathclaws ithout sound over year, i hate this, for sure 3d wont make this game more fun, the point is across, really best option is to make advertisement on other forums or sites, there is so many fans of fallout 1,2 game, that were always dreaming about playing this game in multiplayer mode, dont believe it's only 200 players from all countries (1 player per 1 country) liked that games


--- Quote from: iamridge on December 17, 2011, 03:45:54 pm ---...

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200!? Check server status, 200 players online on 2238 now is almost impossible.


--- Quote from: iamridge on December 17, 2011, 03:45:54 pm --- dont believe it's only 200 players from all countries (1 player per 1 country) liked that games

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200 players is called a "peak" nowadays. It used to be 400-600, when I started to spread trolling art in November 2009. This however seems to be desired and expected situation:

--- Quote from: Lexx on April 28, 2011, 02:56:07 pm ---Say "hallo" to I don't care. If there would be 0 people playing the game, we would still work on it. Beside this, we aren't a commercial game that needs to have 100k players all the time. So, yeah. I don't give a shit and therefore the numbers aren't an argument.

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