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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)  (Read 2578 times)


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Re: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2011, 10:16:26 am »

Oh look, it's THIS thread again.

- grab a gun and pwn n00bz on your own
- grab a gun and try to look tough, so less people will attack you
- learn to escape and be smart (like I did - mining, buying cars in New Reno, making quests in unguarded towns is possible, as long as you are smarter than average PK ape)

And, last but not least - get a life, it's just a game. Losing in computer game shouldn't be important for a normie.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

jonny rust

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Re: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2011, 06:13:19 pm »

the annoyance comes when you spend 2 hours doing something and then lose all that work in 2 seconds because there was no way in hell you could have won that fight as someone else said.

Those of us who have been playing for a while know how to avoid this kind of frustration, but that doesn't make us elite, it really just makes us stubborn. So we spent a lot of time dying and learning from it, so what? why does that mean everyone needs to?

this is a BETA-TEST. we spent all that time dying and learning so we could make the game BETTER right? now what one person considers better, another person might not, but that doesn't mean we should not try it, and see how it plays out.

personally, I have a life outside of this game, and I would rather the time I have spent playing it amount to something. The fact that I have died time and time again, persevered through it and came out the other side knowing how to avoid this says only that I somehow found the time. I don't care about elitism, or anyones elitist bullshit, i only care that we contribute to what I think can still be a better game.

If you are so set in stone with the way this game plays right now, and are content to never try a new way of playing then all I can say to you is; it's probably time to get out of the house, just 5 minutes? maybe even have some sex... its very relaxing.

BUT THE WASTELAND IS HARSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2011, 06:46:28 am »

So this boils down on how people take this kind abuse, some laugh it off since it isn't such a big deal, while a few others feel like getting killed for no reason over something you had absolutely no control is a forced mechanic that can only bring 1 sided fun. (Mind you, the pker will get perhaps a giggle out of it, whereas the newb that got killed probably lost several hours worth of time, so the fun vs frustration is absurdly unproportional)
-- If i died a laugh it off, if i get pked and the pker lets me have my stuff back then giddy up all is fine, if i dont get my stuff oh well i can get it back but yes i've lost several hours already its frustrating but people have to have patience and like i said this is my brothers idea and i know him personally, he does not have that patience.
For those about to die I salute you with Honor and Respect.
If your going through Hell keep on going, no shit i dont wanna be luciphers bitch.
*Accused for tent raping when inactive* - Great.
Re: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2011, 03:28:35 am »

Wasteland is harsh! You need to learn it or leave this game.

To everyone that keeps saying this... How long do you think you would survive if this were the real world? I know this is a game, but it has gotten to the point that it is, well, pointless. Low level players have virtually no chance to survive. I can't count the times I logged into the game just to be mowed down by some random high level player standing by the exit grid. or the number of times I was robbed blind while shopping.

High level characters kill and loot low levels without repercussions of any kind. If this game was realistic PKers would last about 5 minutes and the guards would shoot them on sight.

Personally, I like the idea of a criminal system. Criminal act that are SEEN should lower your reputation in that city. Get caught committing enough crimes and your reputation lowers to a point that the guards will shoot you on sight.  I say SEEN crimes because I don't think killing someone or stealing from someone where no one could see you should count against you, but if a guard happened to walk by at the right moment and caught you in the act then there should be some kind of penalty.


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Re: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2011, 12:48:56 pm »

To everyone that keeps saying this... How long do you think you would survive if this were the real world? I know this is a game, but it has gotten to the point that it is, well, pointless. Low level players have virtually no chance to survive. I can't count the times I logged into the game just to be mowed down by some random high level player standing by the exit grid. or the number of times I was robbed blind while shopping.

High level characters kill and loot low levels without repercussions of any kind. If this game was realistic PKers would last about 5 minutes and the guards would shoot them on sight.

Personally, I like the idea of a criminal system. Criminal act that are SEEN should lower your reputation in that city. Get caught committing enough crimes and your reputation lowers to a point that the guards will shoot you on sight.  I say SEEN crimes because I don't think killing someone or stealing from someone where no one could see you should count against you, but if a guard happened to walk by at the right moment and caught you in the act then there should be some kind of penalty.

First its fallout world it mean post apocaliptic :) there is no real police. Stop cry start gather people and play in group


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Re: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2011, 12:54:18 pm »

As Perteks said, its not real world nor f3 or nv world in which you got everywhere police or guards. Its hard world and you need to understand that, then learn to kill or escape.

No more to say, this shouldn't be disscussed 2132459 times and should be closed by moderator.
Re: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2011, 01:21:38 pm »

I have leveled many chars from lvl 1 to 21 many of them alone without any help of my other chars or other people not heaving any problems of being PKed too often. In this game more than any other you just need knowledge of game mechanic and player behaviour. When you learn those properly you will die only wery rarely and mostly caused by your over-eagernes to engage enemy. ;-)
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2011, 02:30:35 pm »

That does not help. Once majoriy learn how to avoid PKs and level effectively, PKs will change their territories and tactics as well.

This game is complete trollfest, and nobody should ever play it alone unless he's absolutely sure of what he is doing.

Too bad many players still attempt to do fortune all by themselfs, and that any social interface in this game is horrible. ( how easy is to misclick follow/not follow button, how obvious are icons when you see them first time, etc... )

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying PKing is bad for this game. But the nearly-useless interface kills the game completly.
People should cooperate with others and it should be number one to polish. "I tag you and hope to see you ever again" does not work.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 03:39:19 am by Johnnybravo »
"What is this, I don't even"
"This is your forum."


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Re: The Damn Pkers - (My brother's Idea)
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2011, 04:12:29 pm »

Ahh well... Stuff gets lost, but experience remains. Both for character and his player. It gets better.
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