Other > Faction Announcements

Formal Announcement of Armeggedon Arms Co.

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Ha! Reminds me my first group. Well good luck for you lads! :)


--- Quote from: Josh on August 06, 2011, 04:32:38 am ---Dr Kevorkian

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I know to who ask in case of some really bad disease comes ;)

--- Quote from: Josh on August 06, 2011, 04:32:38 am ---events

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might i suggest one? Shotgun Frenzy Tournament.
No drugs, no armors. Only Shotguns. 3 modes, the Total Shotgun Frenzy (a Free For All arena fight), the Gan Shotgun War (a Team with 5 persons each side, drugs allowed), and the Shotgun Marriage (a 1 versus 1 fight, in open field). Obiviously all those are Real Time fights.


--- Quote from: Senocular on August 07, 2011, 10:51:24 am ---I'd like to buy 5 Tommy Guns and 1000 .45 ammo for them.

--- End quote ---
Any news on this?

At the moment we are experiencing some troubles as we have just lost the key to our car :P. But this is a temporary delay as we will either: A) have someone lockpick it for us, or B) say farewell to it and head to our base of joint operations with the Grave Robbers. Nice taste on the tommy gun btw :D

EDIT: Some time has passed and many things have changed, we've moved around a lot, made new friends and enemies, and have settled down in the pleasant town of Redding. We also no longer sell weapons via radio or post. The reason being for this is that I was talking with my brother about how sad it was that almost no one ordered from us when he said that there used to be people on the radio frequency asking about buying guns from us. I was a bit ... surprised when he told me this as I had never heard about these calls. The reason for me removing the PMing/post option is that it is too difficult for me to track down people throughout the wastes.
To order a weapon you should just come down to Redding, it is a nice town and if we're on you'll generally find us there.

EDIT_PS: Much of the selling policy was outdated because of this, its a quicker read now and much simpler.


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