Other > Other FOnline projects

List of other FOnline engine based games

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Could the listings please include what language(s) the in-game text uses?

My own list of server. (September 2011)

[Running] mean we can actually play/test on it.
[Abandoned/Stopped] mean official stop or no news since a long time or just a fake.
[Dev] mean in development.
[?] mean don't know if it still in development or abandoned.
[EN]english (and others)
The list are order by date of announce of project. (So here is only announced project :p)

Fonline:The Life After [Running][RU]
Fonline:2238 [Running][EN]
Fonline:Q Alternative Game Mode [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:Grow [Stopped for Fonline:Rampage][RU]
Fonline:The New Future [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:World War [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:Cafe of Broken Dreams [Abandoned][EN]
Fonline:Мирный Атом [Dev (after a long stop)][RU]
Fonline:The Nordic Marauders [?(still dev/running?)][RU]
Fonline:Island of alienation [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:Return of the Chosen One [Running][RU]
Fonline:Winter Edition [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:Requiem 4session [Running][RU]
Fonline:Rampage [? (still dev?)][RU]
Fonline:Wasteland 2155 [Dev][EN]
Fonline:Renaissance [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:Deadlock [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:Goon Heaven [Running][RU]
Fonline:Equilibrum [? (still dev?)][EN]
Fonline:The Strain [Abandoned][RU]
Team Deathmatch Server [Abandoned][EN]
Fonline:Racial Wars [Dev][RU]
Fallout 2241 [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:Surface Dwellers [? (still dev?)][EN]
Fonline:Desert Europe [Dev][EN]
World of Fonline [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:Imprint Elected [Abandoned][RU]
Fonline:Pokemon Nuclear Edition [Abandoned][EN]
Fonline:Australia [Abandoned][EN]
Fonline:Last Hope [Dev/Running][RU]
Fonline:The Live After mk2 [Running][RU]
Fonline:Southern Tribes [? (still dev?)][EN]
Fonline:Texas Ranger [Abandoned][RU]


Link for FOnline The Life After MKII : http://tlamk2.ru/


--- Quote from: Mr Feltzer on October 10, 2011, 06:55:54 am ---Hey Please Change the Fallout Online: Australia
Link to


Not Abandoned. :D [ Dont Speak for my Project Faggot. >< ]

--- End quote ---
Make progress news, screenshot from maps other info etc because i really interested but i dont see anything new :(


--- Quote from: Surf on August 03, 2011, 01:13:20 am ---
FO: Desert Europe - Forum (*closed for now) - Website

--- End quote ---
Actually the Forum isn't closed any longer.


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