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Author Topic: Suggestions from Grommok  (Read 4012 times)


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Suggestions from Grommok
« on: August 01, 2011, 03:34:47 pm »

Hi everybody! I'm back from a 2-weeks vacation, with a mind full of suggestion.
For you're pleasure of reading, i divided 'em in 3 categories, named Useless Junk, Normal Suggestions, Da Big Bad Mojo
A small description. Useless Junk is named like that not because it's total junk, but because those suggestions are mainly for flavor. Normal Suggestions are suggestions that could be useful or might improve some aspects of the game, maybe addin' some stuff. Da Big Bad Mojo are big suggestions, overhauls and so.
Lets start.
Useless Junk
Cannibalism: when a human is killed, meat is dropped.
Craft Torch: adds torch recipe to FIXBoy, to make a torch, you need fibers and chemical components (maybe somethin' else for color) (to reduce market value of torches and makin' 'em avaiable even for low level newbie)
Interactions: allow players (throught the use of commands) to make animations that are already in the game, like lying on ground for all you're pervert mind.
Corpse Moving: allows players to treat corpse as items, this wont stop the replication time, but maybe slow it. Originally planned to be used with another of my suggestions, Rezzing Teammates.
Normal Suggestion
Meele Guns: allows players to use their ranged weapons in meele, without using ammos. Limited damage.
Overdose: basically, you die with too much drug usage. The quantity of drugs needed to die would be dependant on many factors, mainly endurance, and how much drugs you use. (Note: This could be considered just for flavor, but since death isnt exacly a light thing i moved it to Normal Suggestions.)
Junky: the Junky perk/profession will allow you to craft almost anything from junk. The idea was to scavenge the pieces and then asseble it, so the quantity of junk required to build, lets say, a laser gun is higher than a 10mm since the parts are more rare. The quality will be the same as if the item was farmed. (Note: to prevent abuse, those items should be marked somehow to make them impossible to dissassable, since in that way players might obtain very rare materials from junk.) (Note: bullets made from that perk should be JNK rounds, that have a higher change of critical failure, and also damage more the gun.)
Riot Shields: those shield would take the damage that would have hit you as item damage. they will also protect the ones behind the player with the shield. They will come in 3 qualities: Cracked (low health, can be destroyed by a burst), Worn (common, good health, can resist 2-3 burst from miniguns) and Pristine (best health, can be destroyed only by 10-15 minigun bursts, when destroyed has a chance of becoming Cracked, and could be found only in some prewar military facilities) (Their purpose should be to increase cooperation between players and in the same time making the game more tactical)
Stunning Weapons: weapons that have a low damage, but can stun your foes! From beasts to players. I suggest using Batons (damage slightly higher, lower stun chance), Tazers (Low damage, high stun chance), and for the Needler Gun, a sparklin' new type of ammo, the Needler Cartige STUN.
Radz: adding more effects to radiation then just reducing stats 'till you dont drink some radaway. Since rads break the DNA, they could reroll SPECIAL, give permanent bonus-malus to stats, add/remove/change traits, and in a general line become somethin' to truly avoid.
Robot Crafting: the ability (by eaither perk or profession) to craft, maintence, activate and program robots. It will require high repair (to craft the mechanical parts), science (to craft the electronic parts), and eventually doctor (to make cyberdogs and robobrains). I also plan to add an operation that will allow players to become robobrains. (Note: the various parts, both mechanical and electronic, might be assembled by various people and then when you have all the parts, craft the robot itself)
Cybernetic Enhancements: chips, or robotic limbs that will substitute your biologic ones, to be crafted (with high science for chips, and high repair for limbs) and then implanted with doctor. The cybernetic arms will make your right/left arm unbreakable, and always give max precision possible with 1h weapon. By having both you eliminate totally the strenght requirement and have max precision with both 1 and 2 handed weapons.
Drinkz: by using two drinks (or drugs) you try to mix 'em together to make a new one. I intended it as a pratical way to learn to make "special" drugs (will still require science). When you use, let's say, Psycho on Jet, you can try your mix, and there is a chance (based on you're science, and how many times you tryed that particular mix) that you will discover how to make a new drug (eg: SuperJet). If you fail to discover, you might have various issues, from death, to stat reduction.
Tame Animals: pretty self-explanatory, it will allow players, with the help of various pieces of equip, to have a new friend. The equipment might be food, ropes, stunning weapons from one of the previous suggestion, and so.
Irradiated Weapons: basically, players will place their weapons (or ammos) in rad waste and add for a limited number of shots radiation to their normal attacks. Plus weapons made with radioactive materials will add rads with every attack. (Note: i planned to use this with Radz, one of the previous suggestion, to make this really deadly)
Da Big Bad Mojo
Real Injuries
This will add a series of condition and medical tools aimed to make doctor more useful and make doctors richier.
Mostly by adding new contitions:
  • when you recieve a shot, you a have a chance based on endurance and total number of shots taken since last time you was healed to become Bleeding (You have recieved a shot that broke some important vein. You are losing alot of blood, thus health, until you get healed atleast by a field medic with a little experience). You will loose health until a doctor with a Bandage (new item) and atleast 80 doctor heals you. To heal some health and stop yourself from loosing health for some time you might have a transfusion from either another player or from a Bloodpack (new item)
  • when you are hit by a flamer, a laser rifle or a plasma rifle you have a chance based on endurance and total hits from flamers or energy weapons till last heal to become Burned (You had been burned by fire, laser, or plasma, and this is giving you alot of pain, reducing all your skills, especially the weapon ones, until a good doctor with a good equipment takes care of you). Your skills will be reduced by alot until a doctor with an Antiseptic Spray (new item), a Bandage, and an Ointment for Burn (new item) (i'm not sure if is correct, in my linguage, italian, i would say Pomata per le ustioni-Unguento per le ustioni) and atleast 140 doctor.
  • when you are hit by a burst, you have a chance based on endurance and total number of bursts till last time a doctor healed you to become Filled with bullets(The weight of all those bullets in your body is really terrible, and provokes also alot of pain, reducing all your SPECIAL until a doctor pulls 'em out). All your SPECIAL will be reduced by 3 until a doctor with a Scalpel (new item), a Forcep (new item), a Bandage and atleast 180 doctor heals you.
  • when you are attacked by an animal, you have a chance based on endurance and number of time you had been attacked since last heal to get a Disease(You had been bite by a rabid animal. Atleast you think it was an animal. The disease reduces your SPECIAL and your skills. Some medicine could really help). Your SPECIAL will be all reduced by 1 and your skills will be reduced by 20 until you use some Medicine (new item) or Antiseptic Spray. Doctor isnt required but will help alot.
(Note: Doctors Bag will become EXTREMELY rare, but will act as any item in my suggestion. First Aid Kit should only restore health.)
This had been thinked as an alternative to cars for poor players. Atleast at the start.
You can find a motocycle wreckage, and with repair you can get it back to work. However it wont be that easy. Motos are very old, and still run on Gasoline, that can be still found in ruins, and old military bases. After you get it moving, with your skills (repair and science) you can modify it in many ways, from appareance to add a trunk (they start without trunk), to improve fuel consumption, reduce maintence (at the start, they will require really alot), to even substitute engine with an electric one, so that it can run on energy cells, or on alcohol, you can add a sidecar to bring a friend with you anywhere, you can modify the speed by various means, add weapons to it (still thinking of a way to make them work, maybe by acting as turrets).

Knowing how thing go in that community, i know that only a few will be implemented, however i hope that they are Real Injuries and Motos. I really hope so.
Those are my suggestion. If i make some new ones i will post them under that line.
Energy Weapons Overhaul
This suggestion is about making energy weapons "unique" from a different point of view, the maintence.
Ammos should be true "batteries", that once used on a weapon will fill it's energy reserve. That way ANY battery could be used in any energy weapon, to charge a different amount of shots. After being used batteries remain in inventory as "discharged", and can be recharged using some stations that can be found in old prewar facilities that worked on energy weapons (aka The Glow). Players might also discover, throught a long and difficult quest, how to craft their own recharge station, that will remain as a static item in tent (one of my previous suggestion was about tent upgrades).
Maintence will be much more difficult, with the possibility that weapons might break specializated part, like some important wiring. To then restore that weapon you will have to find a wiring of that kind and, with enough repair, substitute the broken one. Plus energy weapons should have overheating, that prevents the weapon to fire in the next turn (for Turn Based combat) or for 5 seconds (for Real Time combat).
Category: Da Big Bad Mojo
NEW 5/8/11
In Memoriam
This will add the possibilities to visit the gravesites or corpse of important people in the Fallout world, from Ian's burned corpse in Necropolis (Description: You see a scorched corpse. It seems to have painfully died from a flamer, and the near corpse of super mutants lead you to think that one of them pulled the trigger. You strangely feel in debt with that scorched corpse, and you strangely think that anyone else should feel in debt), to Dogmeat's in Mariposa Military Base, near a forcefield (Description: You see a dog's corpse. From the burns on the body, you think he died by passing on the forcefield while it was on, leading to a painful death, by trying to run away from something, or trying to help someone he loved. You dont know why, but you found yourself thinking: "I really miss that dog").
Other important people, from the Master, to the Brotherhood paladin that was a Marcus friend, might be found in encounters, along with Katja and Tycho, since their true fate is unknown.
Category: Useless junk
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 01:50:06 pm by Grommok »
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!


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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 03:37:36 pm »

These seem like good suggestions :D

When the hell will we get a Pulse Pistol...


  • Desert Ranger
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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 03:41:02 pm »

Wow. Already first impression.
I hope that devs find them good too, especially Da Big Bad Mojo stuff. Those are suggestion that i care for.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!
Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2011, 06:17:34 pm »

The real injuries idea sounds quite good as I read it would be something similar like the one in JA 2, in my opinion that game has one of the best combat systems :).
Other suggestion you made and I like are the worser effects for radiation the drug overdose and the hitting with guns and if the taming animals only about dogs then yeah I like that too.
The ones I don't like are all the others except the cannibalism cause I don't care about that.
By the way the naming of the categories sounds... well not too serious I would have simply used letters for them like A,B,C instead of that 3 category name you used but its just my opinion so care nothing about that...


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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 06:25:59 pm »

The real injuries idea sounds quite good as I read it would be something similar like the one in JA 2, in my opinion that game has one of the best combat systems :).
I never played that JA 2, i lets say "inveted" it, with some help from my lil' sis, that gave me the idea of Bloodpacks and Diseases.
Other suggestion you made and I like are the worser effects for radiation the drug overdose and the hitting with guns and if the taming animals only about dogs then yeah I like that too.
Worser effects from radz and overdose are actually things that are true. I just asked if they could be added in game. Hitting with guns is a thing that i've seen in many games, and is almost always useful, so i thought "why not in fallout?".
Taming animals should be mainly for dogs, even if i dont reject the idea of some other animals. (definitely not centaurs and wanamigos)
The ones I don't like are all the others except the cannibalism cause I don't care about that.
By the way the naming of the categories sounds... well not too serious I would have simply used letters for them like A,B,C instead of that 3 category name you used but its just my opinion so care nothing about that...
Cannilism, as i said, is just for flavor, nothin' serious.
The naming of categories was just to make that post somehow less boring, cause in my opinion just saying "get injuried", "get irradiated", etc etc is extremely boring to listen. I can figure how is to read.

Thanks for support.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!


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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2011, 08:04:23 pm »

A lot of good suggestions here, as well as bad and those, the point of which I seem to be missing, so I'll try to systematize my opinion about them.

The ones, which I liked.

  • Interactions is something that would be added after 3d implementing (that's what someone of the developers said). Nuff said.
  • I've suggested overdose a long time ago. It was a very detailed suggestion, but it was over-trolled and I've rejected that idea by myself. You can search it among my topics still. Good idea though.
  • Riot shields and stunning weapons is somewhat cool, but it would influence the balance, so you should try to predict all violations and suggest the ways how to come over them. It's too overpowered at the moment, btw.
  • Re-rolling the SPECIAL because of the rads is great idea.
  • Robot crafting will be possibly implemented much later, when the current mercs system is balanced (One of the devs words, again).
  • Cybernetic enhancements was in F1 and F2, and I think it's a must for Fonline as well, as it may become another reason for people to use less alts. We even already have some inventory pictures for them (check the armors tracker, at the very bottom, among hats). Moreover, it's just cool stuff.
  • Mixing drinks is really cool, you seem to be the first who is suggesting that stuff :) (comparing to the most of other suggestions)
  • Energy weapons overhaul is the one, which I like most of all. It's just a simple logic, that the batteries shouldn't disappear after they are depleted.

The ones that I didn't liked.

  • I didn't liked the "Junky" perk, because something similar was on the TLA server right after the OBT-3 start. Though it wasn't a perk, it was an economy based on crafting top stuff from basically anything. It was possible to craft gauss with junk, metal and some other stuff. Implementing of this suggestion would simply ruin any economy.
  • I didn't liked how you presented the "Irradiated weapons". I've seen a plenty suggestions about it around, which has been much better. I recommend you to use the search function to look at them.
  • Cannibalism in that shape is plain stupid. Why the hell the meat should be dropped from every human character? I'd imagine this implemented via perk... in somewhat more elegant way.

The ones, which I'm not sure about.

  • I didn't understood why do you want corps to be movable, since they are disappearing after 60 seconds anyway? Would make sense if the corpses wouldn't disappear that fast (let's say for 30 minutes), but the players themselves get respawned as usual.
  • Throwing the un-throwable weapons is somewhat impossible to implements, if there will be the same number of "slots" for each weapon as now. This means, that every weapon has limited number of actions that could be done to it (5 max afaik), and for most of them 4 are engaged already. Maybe it's a good idea to use it for your suggestion, maybe not. I'm not sure.
  • Motos... I'm not sure about this. I think we have enough vehicles already. Instead of this, I'd better suggest to make upgrades for the existing models (I know there's some upgrade system, but it isn't enough at all).
  • I'm not sure about the real injuries. Sounds as the good replacement for the existing system though.
  • Torch crafting... ok, but why do you need this? It's a pretty much decoration, rather than the useful item atm.
  • Taming is a feature, that should be surely implemented, but it was also suggested numerous times, and some of them were much better.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 08:43:23 pm by Graf »


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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2011, 10:33:36 pm »

Wow. A real overview. It's the first time that someone really takes care to inspect something from me. Thanks.
Now, lets talk about the points you told.
Ones you liked
1: My suggestion is to use the ones that are already in game in the meanwhile.
2: The overdose system in my idea should work like this: one have a counter that is END-based, lets say that with 10 END is 1000, each time you use a drug some "overdose points" are removed (they regenerate over time) and you must pass a roll with the remaining points. If you cannot pass the roll you simply die.
3: Wow, someone likes that. Riot shields were planned to add more cooperation between players, that is something almost non-existent. Stunning weapons are to make slavers life easier, and to help also someone else, like bounty hunters.
4: Rerolling should just be one of the many effects. They will be very random, from SPECIAL bonus to perk and traits change.
5: The original idea is from my lil' sis. She wanted a robot follower. Then i added the option to craft 'em.
6: Actually, cyber enhancements came as a derivate of Robot Crafting. Really.
7: Well, it's just messing around with stuff. My business is messing around... and my business is good! Apart from that, also drugs could be mixed.
8: The only thing that i can say is that i'm surprised that none tought about that before.

Unliked ones.
1: Obiviously you wont be able to make Gauss with junk, and max should be tier 2 equip, with tons of junk. Plus, as i said, quality would be the same as if it was looted.
2: Well, i just tought that weapon could be somehow irradiated. I presented the fact by just "dipping" them into radioactive waste, but there might be many other ways to do that.
3: As i said, is just for flavor. Maybe it could become a Perk if human meat gave some bonus, like if it acted as a drug.

Not sure about ones.
1: It would have been used along with a suggestion of mine, made sometime ago, named "Rezzing teammates". It basically allowed you to take back to life a friend. Corpse moving would had allowed you to bring this friend to a doc. Or to kidnap a stunned char. Depends on your business.
2: Not throwing, but using them in meele, that is different. To prevent wasting a precious bullet on a rat with 2 hp left.
3: I suggested this mainly because i love motos. And because they arent that impossible in a post-apocalyptic world (see Mad Max). Motos should be the "poor" alternative to cars. Also you would have to rise car prices a little. Plus, moto-thugs are presented also in the short story in FOnline manual, so they should be in FOline itself, no?
4: It is an add to current system. Bleeding shouldnt substitute Crippled Limb, only make it more serious.
5: Sorry, i meaned "Flare". However this would be just for flavor, like flares are right now.
6: I thought at Dogmeat. Plus taming is already there, with brahmins. Why not extending it to other animals?

After all that, i must admit that you pointed some really good arguments. I hope that i explained at my best my points of view about my suggestion. I posted them also to make them grow, helped by the community, to see them implemented in the best way possible. That's what we need, more people making constructive criticism!
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!
Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2011, 11:52:46 pm »

Lots of those suggestions were previously suggested (especially the OMG I WANT TO TAME DEATHCLAWZ AND MAKE ROBOTZ) the other ones are decent I suppose but the "real injuries" section is a terrible idea IMO, unless it is modified it puts way to much importance on endurance which is already a very important special as compared to others.


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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2011, 02:45:00 am »

Junk idea:
Cannibalism: when a human is killed, meat is dropped.
We got cannibal's in cave, so they can have meat!
Other 'junk' its a junk!
Normal Suggestion
Meele Guns: allows players to use their ranged weapons in meele, without using ammos. Limited damage.
Ripper or CP without Sec? I can not imagine that!!
Overdose: basically, you die with too much drug usage. The quantity of drugs needed to die would be dependant on many factors, mainly endurance, and how much drugs you use. (Note: This could be considered just for flavor, but since death isnt exacly a light thing i moved it to Normal Suggestions.)
Nigga please!!

Junky: the Junky perk/profession -->Like Graf wrote.
Riot Shields: unbalancing pvp(BG)
Stunning Weapons: we dont need another complications with implementing something what is no necessary.
Radz: It can be (that bring me some idea with nades: 2nd type of plasma granades, (radioactive-plasma granades) high lvl of radiation.
Robot Crafting: no crafting again. Make possible to buy robot in enclave base.
Cybernetic Enhancements:to much S-f.
Drinkz: horadric cube and mixing potions?;) nah
Irradiated Weapons: granades is better way.

The real injuries idea sounds quite good

Keep dreaming....
More(new item) =more crafting=more boring shit, even if it will be in Doctors Bag.
It seems like on TC you will need doctor with Bag, who will die before He heal someone. Who will want to play Doctor at tc? Some masochist?;)


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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2011, 02:57:54 am »

i suggest pulse guns and pulse damage and robot crafting long time ago, it wasnt really rejected by people im still thinking that my idea was nice to PvE.

Cybernetic Enhancements:to much S-f.
to much S-f? you mean SciFi or SyFy? because fallout is about both.

Who will want to play Doctor at tc?
if the doctor is carrying an M60 and a magic BackToLifibrilator (and an awesome red beret)i think is good.

Canibalism should be implemented as a perk:
you use FA on a dead body and you heal some quantity of HP, depending of critter or dead player HP. only works with human critters or real players.
it should be gained via quest, otherwise nobody will choose it.
Flashy message:
You've eatten the corpse
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 03:40:14 am by Reiniat »
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2011, 01:54:13 pm »

187umkillas, about Meele Guns: Never played some shooter? When you have a pistol and get near to the enemy, pressing fire (or meele) instead of using a knife or so, your char will use his gun, only instead of firing, will use it as a club.

Cyber Enhancements: maybe he wanted to write S-M, you little pervert. (that was a joke, no offense)

And for items in real injuries:
They wont be crafted (you really think you can craft a scalpel in some shitty workbench in the middle of the desert?) but either scavenged in some prewar facility (or, much more rare, found in ruins, even if sounds stupid) or bought from a true doctor in the wastes. The only thing that will be craftable is Doctor Bag, will all that equipment and a brahmin or gecko skin.
Drinkz: not horadric cube, it's just adding some drink with other, never drinked beer with (i think is the right word) soda?
Radz: Not about adding more ways to irradiate, but just making radiation something to REALLY avoid, not just a malus to SPECIAL that can be cured by anyone with a doctor coat or by magically drinking RadAway.
Robot Crafting: is just a way to obtain 'em. Do you prefer buyin' em? Ok. No problem.
Irradiated weapons: just an idea to make combats more "dirty". Plus, plasma grenades are made with uranium, so they should give away some radz, apart their damage.

Again, good arguments (except that s-f thing, i really dont get it. And the fact of "doctor crafting". Doctors play with your life, atleast give them some decent equip!) (more jokes, even if the doctor one is more serious).
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!


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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2011, 04:27:00 pm »

Energy Weapons Overhaul
Energy Weapons and Vehicles all use Microfusion cells. Read something about nuclear fusion and you might realise what kind of power do those batteries pack, and how there's no such way to just recharge them (instead they'll need fuel, probably hydrogen).
 It is unknown how do they really work and how they were manufactured, but it is fact that US were saved from energy crysis by energy from nuclear fusion, so batteries would be definetly plentiful.
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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2011, 04:30:35 pm »

I think there is too many sugestions in one thread and should be split in multiple threads of fewer coresponding suggestions.

I would like to see motorcycles in game. Most likely with sidecar, m42, SS-man gunner and hakenkrojc on gas tank. xD
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2011, 05:34:50 pm »

Energy Weapons and Vehicles all use Microfusion cells. Read something about nuclear fusion and you might realise what kind of power do those batteries pack, and how there's no such way to just recharge them (instead they'll need fuel, probably hydrogen).
 It is unknown how do they really work and how they were manufactured, but it is fact that US were saved from energy crysis by energy from nuclear fusion, so batteries would be definetly plentiful.
Then there will be Hydrogen station to recharge them, and standard Power Station for the others. But what to make them together, and make just a Recharge Station with different slots for stardard Energy Cells and Microfusion Cells?
I think there is too many sugestions in one thread and should be split in multiple threads of fewer coresponding suggestions.

I would like to see motorcycles in game. Most likely with sidecar, m42, SS-man gunner and hakenkrojc on gas tank. xD
Splitting them would occupy half of the suggestion category. This way is much more simple, for me to do, and for the forum for organization.
I would like motos too... that's why i suggested them ;D
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!


  • Everyday Iza Gunshot
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Re: Suggestions from Grommok
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2011, 02:27:10 am »

187umkillas, about Meele Guns: Never played some shooter? When you have a pistol and get near to the enemy, pressing fire (or meele) instead of using a knife or so, your char will use his gun, only instead of firing, will use it as a club.
I know what you mean, but i really dont see a sensible classification of Dmg with weapon without ammo!
Ripper 15-32; so without ammo we can't  compare this even to:
Combat Knife 12-19; becouse it's two diffrent blades and ripper got chain. So knife will be pierced flesh like knife into butter;)
In summary, it should make without ammo dmg: 7-11. I see no sense in using such weapons, besides, this leads to additional work for dev's with scrypt's...(I think, Solar got some  work with other more important thing's) ;)
Cyber Enhancements: maybe he wanted to write S-M, you little pervert. (that was a joke, no offense)
I little laugh on that:)
Enyway one thing piss me off, i mean "The cybernetic arms will make your right/left arm unbreakable" this  is to much S-f(science fiction) for me... As we know Solar got some solution after wipe for similar issue with anti-cripp perks

I think that's all, and it's quite clearly. Yo!
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