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The Last Stand: Union City

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I'm having the same problem as McLooter (using Google Chrome). Gonna try with Firefox.

While it loads.

--- Quote from: Surf on August 18, 2011, 05:25:24 am ---I am not sure if the world needs just another Zombie Survival Game, or a game filled with tropes made popular with Fallout 3.

--- End quote ---

The zombie in itself has become quite a dumb thing, but I can have hope for any new zombie game/movie. Most of the time is just the same old crap but for example I really liked 28 Days Later, not because there were zombies but because of how the story twists when the characters meet the military. How power is managed in the "zombie apocalypse", etc.

Anyway, works in Firefox. Seems promising!

Melee is op.


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