Other > Closed suggestions
To Roachor—and the OP, a little bit,
It's not about cooldowns and not actually playing the game when you play, it about the concept and principle of the suggested idea.
If another system was in place to throttle the resource stream in the economy, would you still be pushing for things like this?
Dont be selfish, You make someone happy if You drop armor and then buy new one from crafter, so You make world living.
--- Quote from: Raoul666 on February 10, 2010, 04:48:02 am ---Ok, but you're describe to me a teamplay experience
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no man, I play solo :) I'm not even in any gang.
Death must be more difficult than now. What death does? Loses amor, loses all items, then teleport to random "hospital" or "respawn point" with 10 HP and weakened status... So, if you have no items, death = nothing, you can even specially die to remove radiation effect, or teleport more close to your distination. I can't understand why do you need "Rad-Away" at this game, same as Doctor, you're blinded or crippled leg? What a problem, put all items at tent and then go die somewhere.
So... 1 or 2, or 1 and 2.
1) Lose XP when die.
2) Don't remove cripple/poison/radiated effect after death.
P.S. Also poison.. lol even with Endurance 1 you have faster regenerate rate, than poison kills you. So poison = nothing. Poison must affect endurance and agility, not dealing 1 damage/100 years.
Poison is really dangerous when fighting centaurs or floaters. When the poison lvls come to high you get direct damage instead of only a notification that you have been poisoned. An example. Fight a cenatur wearing CA. You'll get about 10 dmg per hit more or less but when the posion reaches max you can be dead in a couple of hits.
--- Quote from: TuX on February 10, 2010, 01:27:29 pm ---Poison is really dangerous when fighting centaurs or floaters. When the poison lvls come to high you get direct damage instead of only a notification that you have been poisoned. An example. Fight a cenatur wearing CA. You'll get about 10 dmg per hit more or less but when the posion reaches max you can be dead in a couple of hits.
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Hmm i was hit by centaurs only few times and i haven't noticed any difference between scorpions and centaurs. I got 2 endurance, so my healing rate is only 2, but my HP regen faster. And if you fight in TB mode that's almost impossible to be hitted by melee critters, only few of them has 10 AP, and 3 or 4 for hit, if you have bonus move or action boy you can even do accurate shot each 2nd turn, or simple shot each turn, other APs for run.
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