Well, lotsa contenent had been stoled from Fallout 3. The most obivious one is the Ceasar's Legion. The main difference is that in Fallout 3 it was in creation fase, trying to unificate various tribes (as far i've understood) and, dependin' on player actions, become the terrible legion that in NV curses the Mojave, or be destroyed.
However, since the Boulder Dome was one of the thing that were completed, atleast in design documents, it had been totally stolen, and placed into Old World Blues(along with many references to the Fallout's father, Wasteland). Still the suit in concepts remind me more of the Hazmat Suit of Dead Money, or some other kind of suit used for reserch in irradiated or poisoned areas. The Y-17 Trauma Override Harness seems more the Space Suit from NV, found in the REPPCON testing site.