Other > Gang Issues
TK's heh stupid gyes
not realy a rage soz to burst ur bubble my cha is not leveled and cant pwn them yet or i hope and i have 2 highway man's that need to get rid of because i dont use them so i thought who likes the TK's so i thought that is what i can do with thoes cars i did not think may people would want to bye them
realy i dont care like im chilling watching TV and eating pizza while whighting this and i finished :(
All i have to say to this is "lol".
But i dont see how they can be the Kahns i am part or the ORIGINAL Kahns just to get small guns 3 he they are imitating thats the funny thing
1: Learn to spell, I think everyone can agree with me on this one.
2: If you weren't raging then you wouldn't have posted this, don't try and hide it. ;)
3: Not all of us have the TKs tag. Beware!~ ::)
realy i dont care if i get pked and im changing alts and i have alot of cars if i can get rid of them i can esaly trancefer them and i dont fear them i like to anoy im not raging i didnt lose any thing
btw i type fast and never bother to look over thiat i wright
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