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Author Topic: Tips for newbies  (Read 2298 times)


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Tips for newbies
« on: July 24, 2011, 03:17:08 am »

Hello, i'm assuming that if you're reading this you're about to get into FOnline for the first time, so lets talk about a few things to get you started.

Character Build

For a first timer having the ultimate PK build isn't that important, it's having a build that will ensure that you won't have much trouble surviving.

First off, grab 10 AG and 3 CH and customize everything else to your liking. I recommend putting luck at 1 so you can have high PE and decent EN, also grab fast shot and small frame if you don't care too much about carry space. (No, there is no gifted trait, it's extremely over-powered)

(Don't put EN or IN lower than 4, trust me on this.)

Now tagging Outdoorsman is a MUST if you want to get anywhere without dying.

Small guns is a great way to dish out decent damage and as a beginner I highly recommend you tag it.

Now you have a choice for a third non-combat tag skill. If you want to keep your weapons in good condition grab repair, if you want to be able to heal yourself and others for alot of health, grab first aid.

Now that you have your build ready, pick a name and password and enter the game!


Now as soon as you make it to the world map you should go to the town highlighted on your world map, all the blackness around you is undiscovered areas that you'll get to explore soon, but for now your goal is civilization.

Now here's some tips for when you walk into town.

#1 If someone walks up to you and the use on animation plays they are trying to steal your items, unless the guards catch them there is nothing you can do about it except walk away from them.

#2 Avoid bluesuits with SMGs, if one comes running up to you run out of town and come back later, they are trying to burst you point blank so you'll lose your stuff.

#3 Avoid crowds, chances are someone will suicide bomb right in the middle of the crowd, if you want to chat stay separate from the crowd just to be safe.

Now that those 3 tips have been given you should look for any easy quests for a newbie such as your self so you can gain xp, if you can't find one or have done all the quests you can then it's time to venture into the wastes in the quest to make money!

How to make caps

Tip: Avoid all human encounters early on, especially players!

Wander around the wasteland until you find a city square, if you spawned near Vault city there should be a few east of the city, and near the hub and NCR you can venture south to the boneyard.

 Simply enter encounters and collect junk, when you've collected all that you can carry, go to the fix menu and craft BBs. You can sell BBs for decent money, which you can save up for decent weapons, armor, but most importantly a tent!

Home sweet tent

Now your first goal should be to get 10 brahmin hides through either hunting or buying them.

Hunting: This is the hard way to find brahmin hides, I recommend hunting around NCR, or Ghost Farm west of Vault City. It takes some luck to find 10 brahmin hides this way.

Buying: Save up about 1000 or 2000 caps and check if the local merchants have brahmin hides, if not then type in /s WTB Brahmin hides in the chat and get 10 that way by buying from other players.

Now that you have 10 brahmin hides, find a good spot in the desert, open the encounter then open your inventory, hold left mouse on the brahmin hides and scroll down to the vault boy face, then click science.

If you did it right then you now have a safe haven and a place to stash all your gear! Don't bring people to your tent you don't trust!

From here you can do anything you please now that you have a base of operations, enjoy the game and what it has to offer!

Final notes

Don't go it alone! Share a tent with friends or join a faction, it will make the game MUCH more easy for you!

Just be mindful of what kind of faction you're joining, join a Anti-PK faction if you like helping people, and join a PK faction if you want to kill and loot to your heart's content, though joining a PK faction may put you on everyone's kill list, but it's more fun in my opinion.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 03:26:52 am by Senrain »
Currently vacationing at Chernarus! Where the zombies are hungry, and everyone shoots you for beans!
Re: Tips for newbies
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2011, 12:36:09 pm »

Nice one there Senrain I would add in only some extra stuff.
-About quest Fonline has some detailed quest that appears on the pipboy and some that can be made more then once. In either they give a better feel and immersion of the world.
-About drugs they can have nice effects but you can get addicted to them (only jet is permanently addictive).
Drugs gives you plus stats that you can use to get professions and quests but they won't help in getting perks.
Side effect for addiction is -1 action point if you take the drug again the side effect goes away for the duration of the drug.

And for a character build:
There is the Fonline character planner thanks to Opera. It can be found in the Tools and Modifications thread.

Re: Tips for newbies
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2011, 04:07:02 pm »

I don't believe in 1 LK build for new players.
Newbies should use a generic build, get to know the game and start experimenting from there.

2 Newbie builds:

General all around build for getting to know the game:
SPECIAL: 5 7 6 3 6 8 6
Traits: Small Frames, Good Natured
Perks: 3. Awareness, 6.+9. Bonus Ranged Damage, 12. Lifegiver, 15. Bonus Rate of Fire, 18. Action Boy 21. Toughness (or something else)
Tagged skills: Small Guns 201, First Aid 103, Doctor 101
Other skills: Science: 40, Outdoorsman 100

Similar as the above, but can get doctor level 3 with mentats:
SPECIAL: 5 6 6 3 7 8 6
Traits: Small Frames, Good Natured
Perks: 3. Awareness, 6.+9. Bonus Ranged Damage, 12. Lifegiver, 15. Bonus Rate of Fire, 18. Action Boy 21. Toughness (or something else)
Tagged skills: Small Guns 191, First Aid 151, Doctor 113
Other skills: Science: 40, Outdoorsman 100

- good to get to know the game, good for PvE, not suited for PvP
- science 40 to craft ammo
- outdoorsman 100 to travel more safely
- awareness as it's good for doctors and for new players to learn during encounters and in towns
« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 04:09:34 pm by HertogJan »
Re: Tips for newbies
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2011, 02:30:48 pm »

I don't believe in 1 LK build for new players.

Agreed. LK 1 is a very bad idea. LK 6.
My tip for newbies: forget everything that guy who started the topic said,
and listen to HertogJan
Big gun kicked the hell out of you!!!


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Re: Tips for newbies
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2011, 05:55:22 pm »

toughess should be taken instead of awareness. but if awareness must be taken take it later toughness is good for lvling up and things such as that. makes eariler lvling easy sense low damage to you.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: Tips for newbies
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2011, 09:22:06 pm »

1 Luck isn't so bad with the combination of fast shot its perfect. Shooting 5-6 times with a 14mn pistol is quite good and Fn fall is deadly without bonus ranged damage too, also in tb its quite cool shoot once and use the remaining points to take cover city ruins encounters are great for that though 2 bonus move is needed to perfect the tactic. Having lot of luck with fast shot is a waste since without aiming doing criticals is rare.
I don't think using small frame is good for new players they less likely will have base or shared tents to store their stuff so they would need more carry weight to transport their stuff from they home to a place they want to sell.
Re: Tips for newbies
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2011, 09:44:06 am »

toughess should be taken instead of awareness. but if awareness must be taken take it later toughness is good for lvling up and things such as that. makes eariler lvling easy sense low damage to you.

I listed toughness as optional. Awareness is needed if you level a doc. It's also good for new players as with awareness they learn a lot about critters in encounters and players in towns.

1 Luck isn't so bad with the combination of fast shot its perfect. Shooting 5-6 times with a 14mn pistol is quite good and Fn fall is deadly without bonus ranged damage too, also in tb its quite cool shoot once and use the remaining points to take cover city ruins encounters are great for that though 2 bonus move is needed to perfect the tactic. Having lot of luck with fast shot is a waste since without aiming doing criticals is rare.
I don't think using small frame is good for new players they less likely will have base or shared tents to store their stuff so they would need more carry weight to transport their stuff from they home to a place they want to sell.

This is about new players being unfamiliar with the game. A 1 LK fast shot build with bonus move isn't a good build for them.
New players should get themselves used to real-time asap. It's easier to get out of encounters, encounters last shorter and sooner or later you will need to fight in real-time anyway.
Small frames is fine. It's something they will end up using a lot in builds, so it's better to get used to it at an early stage. They could use pack rat to compensate the low carry weight.


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Re: Tips for newbies
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2011, 10:11:59 pm »

Agreed. LK 1 is a very bad idea. LK 6.
My tip for newbies: forget everything that guy who started the topic said,
and listen to HertogJan

If we are delivering tips to the air I might as well deliver mine

Disregard hertogjan and listen to the TC, he pretty much hit the nail
And my 2 cents, for newbs awareness is GOD, and both toughness and BRD aint that good unless youre minmaxing stats and already doing a combat ready character, Id rather go with a 8 INT and 10 END guy, and bursting twice with a fal or an AR is already enough for most PVE Encounters. and the high INT will let him experiment some skills, and gather his craft specialization ASAP
I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..
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