Author Topic: Fallout Online: Australia  (Read 145209 times)

Offline Mr Feltzer

  • FOnline: Australia
    • The Core Gaming Australia's Website
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #75 on: July 27, 2012, 12:33:40 pm »
Well Its quite a large project. Im not sure where to begin on telling you what Gameplay is like.

I would like to state that Player-Built Towns are The Main Peak Feature of the Game that creates a form of Hierarchy of what Actions players make below it.

I would see the Project as a social experiment. Providing the Tools for the Players to build their own environment instead of me having to make all of it is the main thing.

Let me Lay out a Scenario:
A Bunch of Friends decide to start their own player town. They Currently live out of a Single Desert Ranch, They dont have alot of resources but they have teamwork.

They Leave their house and enter a Random Encounter in which they can find the Resources to Build a Small Town, Mine Mine Mine, Cut Cut Cut.. Craft Craft Craft. Within about an hour they Have enough Resources to Build a Small Town. one of them with enough Repair goes and attains Architect Proffesion from an NPC

They Choose where they want to build their town. They Decide to build it near Adelaide as there is plenty of Good Encounters, and lots of the Population lives around there.

They Place their town. Store their Items inside their new City hall, And then One of the Friends with a few caps goes to the Local Town to look for a few players who are up for hire, He finds a handfull of Level 8-12's Who have decent weapons. He manages to offer them 1k each to Guard the Town for a few hours. ( They are n00bs, they see this as plenty of Payment )

They Activate World-Map Vision. So the Town is Visible if players wander within a few Zones of the Town

2 Hours Later. A Whole bunch of Players have found themselves in the town. Offering to pay Items/Caps to Buy Homes inside the Town. They wish to live here because the Mayor will be able to Hire plenty of Guards to protect from PVP Factions.

But Oh Oh! a PVP Faction has noticed a new Town on the World Map.. They have arrived and are waiting for orders on the World Map..

Without knowing it, this town is about to meet its doom. The PVP Faction breaks in. Blam Blam Blam, Wastelanders are allover the Ground. A few player Guards run out with Rifles and take a few shots... not enough to stop the PK Faction. They Stomp through the town and kill everything. Loot all the Bodies and Leave, For the PVP'ers it was a Successful Raid.

The Mayor and the Original Friends are using sneak in the mayors office. Hiding for their Safety.. They need to Hire more Guards, Or Build a more secure level of Craftable Town. Or Maybe Pay a Player who can Build Robots an exorbent amount of money to Guard the Town with his Robotic Army. Or Maybe they will leave the town.. Leaving it to sit in the wasteland gathering dust. untill somebody decides to inhabit it.. a few Bluesuits are always looking for vacant free homes.. Sure they aren't safe.. But they are Good enough for Now.

I Like writing stories like that, it might give you a bit of an insight into what the Players will be experiencing.. If you want more.. I can write more, I leave you with the WIP Features List, Alot of Features are probably missing. but still. here you go

---- Feature List ----

Main Features:
Slaving Anything ( From Animals to NPC's ) ** To Be Balanced Properly

Architect Crafting
- Create Anything from Houses, Bases, Churches, Mini-Vaults, Trading posts ( Visible on World-Map )
All Craftable in the Fixboy

Tents, Small Caves and Level One houses Don't Require the Crafting Skill

Entirely New World and Storyline
Lots of Intricate Storyline features a player can discover.

New Maps and Towns created from Scratch

New soundtrack ( Export from the Popular TV Show "Jericho" )

Vehicles Like Humvees and Highwaymen, Helicopters ect

Mercenaries that can be purchased in surplus amounts

Skills now Have a Brand new impact on the game.. There are lots more you can do with each individual skill

Players Can get any Item avaliable in the Game. there is no weapon or armour restrictions..
( All Items will be eventually added to fixboy )

No Weapons are Nerfed. They are all very effective already without being weakened down.

New Crafting Possibilities, From Creating Clothing and Armours, Medicines like Painkillers and Anti-Bionics down to Structures.

PvP is everywhere except 2 Guarded towns.

For all those Town-Control people you dont need to hold an area for a certain amount of time to Control a town. You Can just bust in and kill all the NPC's and Players and Loot them all.. Holding a Player-Made town will have to be resolved by a town mayor.

Many new Items ( Especially Clothing: We dont need no Skin changes when there is clothes for almost every Human skin avaliable )

Plastic Surgeons: Providing Skin changes to other species like Super-Mutants to Molerats.

Player-Run Economy: With the Allowance of Trading posts Players are intended to run the bulk of the economy. As Players are able to kill traders they only carry low tier equipment.

All NPC's are Lootable. Nothing survives!

Breeding! ( Player > Slave Breeding and Player > Player Breeding )
-- Breeding is not a Joke. You may have children that can grow up.

All Resources Ore, Mineral, Water, Cotton Ect Can be found in Random Encounters! NO Mining Sites * Unless a Player Crafts one Razz *

Vehicle and Robot Crafting


External Features:

Freely Hosted Forum ( All Donation Proceeds go directly to the Game )

Player-Submitted Maps can be accepted to be added to the construction list.

Player-Submitted Quest ideas can be accepted and approved by a majority active-user vote.

Player Farming ( So Planting of Seeds to Grow Plants ect )

Motorbike and Steam Vehicle Added ( Also Craftable )

Coal Added * For Steam Vehicle

« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 12:40:24 pm by Mr Feltzer »
Founder of Fallout Online Australia


  • Guest
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #76 on: July 27, 2012, 12:38:01 pm »

Offline Mr Feltzer

  • FOnline: Australia
    • The Core Gaming Australia's Website
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #77 on: July 27, 2012, 12:49:33 pm »

No Problem Jovanka. I Love you. O_O
Founder of Fallout Online Australia

Offline Tomowolf

  • Cute Kittens and stuff.
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #78 on: July 27, 2012, 12:51:14 pm »
Longest post ever.

BTW, Do you have any advanced crafting on your server, or just basic stuff?

Offline Mr Feltzer

  • FOnline: Australia
    • The Core Gaming Australia's Website
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #79 on: July 27, 2012, 12:53:39 pm »
Longest post ever.

BTW, Do you have any advanced crafting on your server, or just basic stuff?

Define: Advanced?
All Items will be craftable.
and Items that Require a Proffesion are Architecture Things like
(Trading Post, Ranch, Small Towns, vaults, Churches ect )
Founder of Fallout Online Australia

Offline codave

  • Professional Noob Trainer
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #80 on: July 27, 2012, 08:17:53 pm »
How will we know when the server goes online?

I have all the time in the world this weekend, and am looking foward to it.

Will you post when the server goes online, is there a server status somewhere that missed?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Offline BOS Armorer

  • Yes, my armor is black, got a problem with that?
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #81 on: July 27, 2012, 11:29:15 pm »
I think you are just jelly that Mr.Feltzer is a better developer.

This game has a lot of features that are just fun and goofy, and isn't over loaded with butthurt and frustration. He is making a FUN game, you wouldn't know fun if it smacked you on your ass and asked you for a date.
Lol some dumbass just made a new forum alt just to write that? He knew he would get banned...
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!

Offline Mike Crosser

  • Gambling: 60%
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #82 on: July 27, 2012, 11:41:18 pm »
Did you say crafting vaults??!!

Offline Mr Feltzer

  • FOnline: Australia
    • The Core Gaming Australia's Website
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #83 on: July 28, 2012, 02:05:06 am »
How will we know when the server goes online?

I have all the time in the world this weekend, and am looking foward to it.

Will you post when the server goes online, is there a server status somewhere that missed?

Inquiring minds want to know.

When Server Goes online I will post here and the Moddb ;)
Be Patient, the Servers are being prepared
Founder of Fallout Online Australia

Offline codave

  • Professional Noob Trainer
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #84 on: July 28, 2012, 02:06:51 am »
Ahh, sweet.


Offline Mr Feltzer

  • FOnline: Australia
    • The Core Gaming Australia's Website
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #85 on: July 28, 2012, 03:03:05 am »
Did you say crafting vaults??!!

Yes Vaults are Craftable with Architect Crafting Profession ^-^
Founder of Fallout Online Australia

Offline BOS Armorer

  • Yes, my armor is black, got a problem with that?
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #86 on: July 28, 2012, 04:17:23 am »
Shiiit this sounds nice. Really nice...I like the idea of a player-run economy, it fits well into the idea of the wasteland. I presume that merchants will have lower tier gear than in sinlge player? I was level 1 and I beat a merchant to a gauss rifle, yk42b pulse rifle, plasma grenades etc 66000 caps :D
Also, as long as there are PKs(as you mentioned in the story, and there will ALWAYS be PKs), there will be people going regularly raping towns and looting merchants. I'm curious to see how all this will affect it. No doubt this will be a drastically different environment from FOnline 2238, and I hope it will be at least as good of one. I will have to figure out some balance of how much time to play which game  ;)
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!

Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #87 on: July 28, 2012, 06:00:52 am »
Well Its quite a large project. Im not sure where to begin on telling you what Gameplay is like.

I would like to state that Player-Built Towns are The Main Peak Feature of the Game that creates a form of Hierarchy of what Actions players make below it.

I would see the Project as a social experiment. Providing the Tools for the Players to build their own environment instead of me having to make all of it is the main thing.

Let me Lay out a Scenario:
A Bunch of Friends decide to start their own player town. They Currently live out of a Single Desert Ranch, They dont have alot of resources but they have teamwork.

They Leave their house and enter a Random Encounter in which they can find the Resources to Build a Small Town, Mine Mine Mine, Cut Cut Cut.. Craft Craft Craft. Within about an hour they Have enough Resources to Build a Small Town. one of them with enough Repair goes and attains Architect Proffesion from an NPC

They Choose where they want to build their town. They Decide to build it near Adelaide as there is plenty of Good Encounters, and lots of the Population lives around there.

They Place their town. Store their Items inside their new City hall, And then One of the Friends with a few caps goes to the Local Town to look for a few players who are up for hire, He finds a handfull of Level 8-12's Who have decent weapons. He manages to offer them 1k each to Guard the Town for a few hours. ( They are n00bs, they see this as plenty of Payment )

They Activate World-Map Vision. So the Town is Visible if players wander within a few Zones of the Town

2 Hours Later. A Whole bunch of Players have found themselves in the town. Offering to pay Items/Caps to Buy Homes inside the Town. They wish to live here because the Mayor will be able to Hire plenty of Guards to protect from PVP Factions.

But Oh Oh! a PVP Faction has noticed a new Town on the World Map.. They have arrived and are waiting for orders on the World Map..

Without knowing it, this town is about to meet its doom. The PVP Faction breaks in. Blam Blam Blam, Wastelanders are allover the Ground. A few player Guards run out with Rifles and take a few shots... not enough to stop the PK Faction. They Stomp through the town and kill everything. Loot all the Bodies and Leave, For the PVP'ers it was a Successful Raid.

The Mayor and the Original Friends are using sneak in the mayors office. Hiding for their Safety.. They need to Hire more Guards, Or Build a more secure level of Craftable Town. Or Maybe Pay a Player who can Build Robots an exorbent amount of money to Guard the Town with his Robotic Army. Or Maybe they will leave the town.. Leaving it to sit in the wasteland gathering dust. untill somebody decides to inhabit it.. a few Bluesuits are always looking for vacant free homes.. Sure they aren't safe.. But they are Good enough for Now.

I Like writing stories like that, it might give you a bit of an insight into what the Players will be experiencing.. If you want more.. I can write more, I leave you with the WIP Features List, Alot of Features are probably missing. but still. here you go
That is when a full city of carebears is leaving your game :D
I'm built to regenerate.

Offline Mr Feltzer

  • FOnline: Australia
    • The Core Gaming Australia's Website
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #88 on: July 28, 2012, 09:04:08 am »
Shiiit this sounds nice. Really nice...I like the idea of a player-run economy, it fits well into the idea of the wasteland. I presume that merchants will have lower tier gear than in sinlge player? I was level 1 and I beat a merchant to a gauss rifle, yk42b pulse rifle, plasma grenades etc 66000 caps :D
Also, as long as there are PKs(as you mentioned in the story, and there will ALWAYS be PKs), there will be people going regularly raping towns and looting merchants. I'm curious to see how all this will affect it. No doubt this will be a drastically different environment from FOnline 2238, and I hope it will be at least as good of one. I will have to figure out some balance of how much time to play which game  ;)

In Recent Updates, Traders only Stock Low Tier Equipment ^^
Founder of Fallout Online Australia

Offline Gob

  • The Good
Re: Fallout Online: Australia
« Reply #89 on: July 28, 2012, 10:11:54 am »
Lol craft vaults ? I think you mean build vaults but anyway. Sounds nice I would like to play on your server if its decent enough. How big are them vaults ?  :D