FOnline Development > FOnline Projects

Fallout Online: Australia

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Mr Feltzer:

--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on July 27, 2012, 11:41:18 pm ---Did you say crafting vaults??!!

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Yes Vaults are Craftable with Architect Crafting Profession ^-^

BOS Armorer:
Shiiit this sounds nice. Really nice...I like the idea of a player-run economy, it fits well into the idea of the wasteland. I presume that merchants will have lower tier gear than in sinlge player? I was level 1 and I beat a merchant to a gauss rifle, yk42b pulse rifle, plasma grenades etc 66000 caps :D
Also, as long as there are PKs(as you mentioned in the story, and there will ALWAYS be PKs), there will be people going regularly raping towns and looting merchants. I'm curious to see how all this will affect it. No doubt this will be a drastically different environment from FOnline 2238, and I hope it will be at least as good of one. I will have to figure out some balance of how much time to play which game  ;)


--- Quote from: Mr Feltzer on July 27, 2012, 12:33:40 pm ---Well Its quite a large project. Im not sure where to begin on telling you what Gameplay is like.

I would like to state that Player-Built Towns are The Main Peak Feature of the Game that creates a form of Hierarchy of what Actions players make below it.

I would see the Project as a social experiment. Providing the Tools for the Players to build their own environment instead of me having to make all of it is the main thing.

Let me Lay out a Scenario:
A Bunch of Friends decide to start their own player town. They Currently live out of a Single Desert Ranch, They dont have alot of resources but they have teamwork.

They Leave their house and enter a Random Encounter in which they can find the Resources to Build a Small Town, Mine Mine Mine, Cut Cut Cut.. Craft Craft Craft. Within about an hour they Have enough Resources to Build a Small Town. one of them with enough Repair goes and attains Architect Proffesion from an NPC

They Choose where they want to build their town. They Decide to build it near Adelaide as there is plenty of Good Encounters, and lots of the Population lives around there.

They Place their town. Store their Items inside their new City hall, And then One of the Friends with a few caps goes to the Local Town to look for a few players who are up for hire, He finds a handfull of Level 8-12's Who have decent weapons. He manages to offer them 1k each to Guard the Town for a few hours. ( They are n00bs, they see this as plenty of Payment )

They Activate World-Map Vision. So the Town is Visible if players wander within a few Zones of the Town

2 Hours Later. A Whole bunch of Players have found themselves in the town. Offering to pay Items/Caps to Buy Homes inside the Town. They wish to live here because the Mayor will be able to Hire plenty of Guards to protect from PVP Factions.

But Oh Oh! a PVP Faction has noticed a new Town on the World Map.. They have arrived and are waiting for orders on the World Map..

Without knowing it, this town is about to meet its doom. The PVP Faction breaks in. Blam Blam Blam, Wastelanders are allover the Ground. A few player Guards run out with Rifles and take a few shots... not enough to stop the PK Faction. They Stomp through the town and kill everything. Loot all the Bodies and Leave, For the PVP'ers it was a Successful Raid.

The Mayor and the Original Friends are using sneak in the mayors office. Hiding for their Safety.. They need to Hire more Guards, Or Build a more secure level of Craftable Town. Or Maybe Pay a Player who can Build Robots an exorbent amount of money to Guard the Town with his Robotic Army. Or Maybe they will leave the town.. Leaving it to sit in the wasteland gathering dust. untill somebody decides to inhabit it.. a few Bluesuits are always looking for vacant free homes.. Sure they aren't safe.. But they are Good enough for Now.

I Like writing stories like that, it might give you a bit of an insight into what the Players will be experiencing.. If you want more.. I can write more, I leave you with the WIP Features List, Alot of Features are probably missing. but still. here you go

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That is when a full city of carebears is leaving your game :D

Mr Feltzer:

--- Quote from: BOS Armorer on July 28, 2012, 04:17:23 am ---Shiiit this sounds nice. Really nice...I like the idea of a player-run economy, it fits well into the idea of the wasteland. I presume that merchants will have lower tier gear than in sinlge player? I was level 1 and I beat a merchant to a gauss rifle, yk42b pulse rifle, plasma grenades etc 66000 caps :D
Also, as long as there are PKs(as you mentioned in the story, and there will ALWAYS be PKs), there will be people going regularly raping towns and looting merchants. I'm curious to see how all this will affect it. No doubt this will be a drastically different environment from FOnline 2238, and I hope it will be at least as good of one. I will have to figure out some balance of how much time to play which game  ;)

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In Recent Updates, Traders only Stock Low Tier Equipment ^^

Lol craft vaults ? I think you mean build vaults but anyway. Sounds nice I would like to play on your server if its decent enough. How big are them vaults ?  :D


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