FOnline Development > FOnline Projects
Fallout Online: Australia
Will you use the remains of FOG in your project? It's closed for a long time already, you know. And its author is publicly released some of the files he made so far.
Also, according to the law agreement you probably have to replace "Fallout Online" with just "Fonline".
Anyway, good luck with your project.
--- Quote from: White Eagle on July 27, 2011, 01:41:02 pm ---lol nice idea tho' but almost every Continent on earth have now FOnline lol.. from where you guys will get players? they won't be able to be active in 3-4 differents servers.. :-X
how many people already pay? just for information. or at last send you message that they will.. ?
--- End quote ---
Lots and lots, for others who wish to know, most of it has been already developed
The tc system has been reworked, same with mercenarie system...
You should get in touch with the guy drawing this webcomic.
This could be awesome.
Mr Feltzer:
Yes. It will have a Mel Gibson Easter Egg. You can get him as a follower.
And No. we will not use the Remnants of FOG. I would prefer to craft this myself.
That comic also seems alright. I Will consider it.
On the Topic of Donations, we have raised about 50$ from 7 People.
Asking for donations when there isn't even a client public/server ready? Classy! This will only get your asses sued big time, just FYI.
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