FOnline Development > FOnline Projects
Fallout Online: Australia
--- Quote from: Stration on June 23, 2013, 07:58:27 am ---Here it is:
--- End quote ---
Thanks :D
Mr Feltzer:
--- Quote from: Stration on June 23, 2013, 07:58:27 am ---I'm uploading it right now.
I'll update this message as soon as the upload's completed.
BTW, if you're looking for a FOnline to play, be sure to give FO: Desert Europe a try. The server was wiped 3 days ago so now's the ideal time for any new player to join and see if they like it.
Here it is:
FO: AUS in all its "glory." Enjoy.
--- End quote ---
Thanks a bunch. Ill credit you for the upload. :D
I am having trouble downloading this link for singleplayer. Is the link again dead or are you out of bandwidth?
Mr Feltzer:
Hey guys, as its the School Holidays I have had plenty of time to work on fixing bugs and adding new features.
New Features:
- Pregnancy Timer ( For ~Breed )
- Slaves can now be used to mine and harvest the following.
- Wood
- Cotton
- Corn
- Apples
- Minerals
- Iron Ore
- Cabbage
Its wonderful! and also, if you give them a bottle of ( un-purified ) water and a shovel, they can regrow the plants to continue harvesting them.
And for stone, give them a sledgehammer to be able to mine forever.
- More Desert Encounters have iron and other useful materials.
Bug Fixes:
Console spam with warnings and lags when hosting LAN Server.
Mercs and Slaves killing their master ( Not Guarenteed ,but it should be working now. )
Standard Installation, Just extract the AusData folder into your client folder ( folder that has fonline.exe in it ) and merge/over-write with anything it asks you to.
Enjoy Folks! Have a good day!
Mr Feltzer:
--- Quote from: Chewbakka on July 02, 2013, 05:01:04 am ---I am having trouble downloading this link for singleplayer. Is the link again dead or are you out of bandwidth?
--- End quote ---
And I am also having issues retrieving it from Multi-Upload. I might upload it to as soon as I can, but if somebody else wants to beat me to that they are most welcome.
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