wreese you need to write: 12 year old clumsy thief looking for idiots who will get raped or be able to withstand this little scum. Be honest, you'll have better chances that way
i never raided a base untill a few weeks ago
You have a problem with your long term memory?I remember you and your actions from pre-wipe.Reese. Reese never changes.
what are you talking about? i was a noob pre wipe and you never played!
I'm talking about the missing armors, missing guns, missing ammo, dead base guards, killing faction members, ...Things I remember due to actually having played. Which is different from your trolling.The noob part is correct though, as you didn't take everything from that base.
Reese wants to join a faction , what are the odds that he will not be recruited by any faction , like over 9000%. It's your fault no one wants to recruit you , shit actions leads to shit consequences. You can't even start over , too many people know your voice , too many bases are raped and too much people think your just random kid who causes trouble.If i were you , i would quit the game. Seriously you screwed your reputation to the last.