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fallout new vegas dlc's

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--- Quote from: falloutdude on July 28, 2011, 09:51:23 am ---only one i really liked was old world blues because of the penis jokes and such. ;D but other ones sucked too short no real plot. fallout 3 dlcs where 100 percent better ( btw sorry if theres any spelling mistakes kinda drunk)

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EDIT: Not surprising for our typical FOnline player, though.

The Pitt was cool.

the penis jokes barely made me grim, but the dialog with Mobius and the armor lines + some other scientific mubo-jumbo from the think tank where hilarius

i am quessing the sink pers. are awesome too, but i only rushed the time and i unlocked only Auto-Doc, but i lawld a hard time when he was sleeping, next time with my Sniper power build i will do the best for good karma endings


--- Quote from: Surf on July 28, 2011, 12:08:24 pm ---

EDIT: Not surprising for our typical FOnline player, though.

--- End quote ---
surf did you even play the new dlc's yet? you faceplaming me because i laugh at penis jokes and get drunk? (which means i can take a joke and like to have fun unlike someone)

there is good lore in fallout new vegas and the dlc's. yes more then in fallout 3. ( which makes sense fallout is not bethesda thing elder awesome scrolls is) but the dlc's where short boring no real side quest in them just do the main thing and go back to mojave wasteland ..... which is boring. they where good yes i will say that .but i think they could have done 100 percent better.

The level cap being raised makes me jump for joy, no matter how bad the dlc is. Fallout 3 dlc much better but the only raised the cap once, ending at 30. Vegas started at 30,and will end at 50+... whats not to love?


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