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fallout new vegas dlc's
--- Quote from: falloutdude on July 28, 2011, 11:09:43 pm ---but the dlc's where short boring no real side quest in them just do the main thing and go back to mojave wasteland
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Did you really played them? Because the sentence above gives me doubts.
Compared to NV DLCs, Fo3 DLCs are pure bullshit and nothing else than a linear lootfest.
--- Quote from: Lexx on July 29, 2011, 10:14:46 am ---Did you really played them? Because the sentence above gives me doubts.
Compared to NV DLCs, Fo3 DLCs are pure bullshit and nothing else than a linear lootfest.
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toke me about 20 - 30 hours to do all of the lame misssions and side quests and fine every rare weapon in the dlcs and that was takeing my time. if you have played the dlcs you know they are linear they keep you in one area till your done .... fallout 4 you could come and go besides archrorage.
you guys like fnv because its made by the orginal people. i get that but really they did a allright job yes main game is good but dlcs made me waste money, i liked them but did not satisfie me. just my option.
i like New Vegas cuz is much harder than F3, not the hardcore sistem that can be overpassed with perks or just carry some wather with you, but the combat sistem changed
in F3 i can defeat 5 SM with a 10mm pistol, in New Vegas i got problems at geckos
also the deathclaws are changed, i never entered quarry junction even with a level 38 char cuz i will die.
well i play at hard dificulty on both games
and the DLCs in NV have more endings, and you are not forced to go just how it tells you, you can explore and discover other paths, like in HH, you can kill Josua or Daniel and do quests for the white legs, or you can kill you companions in DM in the casino. And in OWB there is an ending based on how much you explored the Big MT and with the sink personality quest that is optional
--- Quote from: falloutdude on July 29, 2011, 10:36:47 am ---because its made by the orginal people.
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No. The number of people who worked on NV and also worked on Fo2 or even Fo1 is very low anyway.
ok sorry i did not know ... lexx your right dlc's where good just not as good as i suspected thats all. maybe i should replay them sooon and new char. old world blues i did like dead money i also liked but honest hearts thats where it was not fun thats the only one i really reallly was disappointed in.
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