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Author Topic: Bonus XP  (Read 2396 times)


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Bonus XP
« on: July 23, 2011, 09:20:20 am »

Bonus XP Suggestion #1: Lets say you're fighting npcs and manage to kill everything without taking a hit. I think there should be bonus XP for managing to do this. A 10% bonus if you killed everything in turn-based without losing a HP, and 20% for killing everything in real-time. (Real-time is usually more difficult, but the bonuses could remain the same for both!)

Bonus XP Suggestion #2: Lets say you successfully detect an encounter with a player in it, I think you should be given a small amount of bonus xp for each player detected, and a large amount of xp for detecting a car! Of course detecting the same player again on the same in-game day shouldn't give you bonus xp for repeat encounters. (There could be a cooldown for cars but that might be overkill)

Bonus XP Suggestion #3: Experience for killing a player! This would depend on what the other player's level is. If they are much lower than you - you'd get very little, or even no xp for killing them, however a player close to or equal to your level you would get a nice amount of xp for killing them. Killing the same person again on the same in-game day however would net you a 'You feel no glory in killing this person' message or something like that, also killing someone in the same faction would net you a similar message, such as 'You feel no glory in murdering your comrade'.

Having people get no xp for killing people level 10 and below would prevent people creating alts for a single character to kill over and over again, also kills on people a higher level than you would just be counted as a 'same level' kill to prevent exploitation.

PS: Sorry for posting so many suggestions so rapidly, i've been bursting with ideas recently.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 10:57:52 am by Senrain »
Currently vacationing at Chernarus! Where the zombies are hungry, and everyone shoots you for beans!
Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2011, 10:45:52 am »

for no.1, isnt there something similar in fo1/2?? anyway what is stopping me from finding deathclaws in caves and running in and out of them to get 10% more exp of each, bonus 100exp for each one i kill.

for no.3, it just seems it might make leveling an alt a little bit safer for the first two levels or so.


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Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2011, 10:51:16 am »

It would only work if you killed every single hostile critter and ended combat without exiting the map, therefore that exploit wouldn't work for No.1

No. 3 would in no way make newbies safer, they would still be killed for lulz.
Currently vacationing at Chernarus! Where the zombies are hungry, and everyone shoots you for beans!
Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2011, 10:53:04 am »

About number 2 I could park my car and tell where I parked it to friend he would look for it and could find it. Same with finding players I can stop in encounter and let my pals find me.

About number 3 it was brought up before its the same as getting xp by stealing from players what would stop player x to leave his faction let player y to kill him till he is lvl 21 then join back to the faction... nothing.


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Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2011, 10:56:14 am »

If the player is willing to just kill him once every in-game day for a moderate amount of XP then it would be slower than normal levelling, also cars are actually pretty difficult to avoid and i'm not talking huge xp bonuses.
Currently vacationing at Chernarus! Where the zombies are hungry, and everyone shoots you for beans!
Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2011, 11:11:51 am »

Still since we can have tons of chars what would stop the players to use his new lvl 1 char to kill his friends characters and their alts safely. Lets say that each char gives 200xp and the player's friends have 3 chars each now he has lets say 10 friend in the game thats 6000 xp a day for doing nothing and losing nothing...
Also they could fast relog or dual log to speed this process up (not a nice thing)
Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2011, 11:30:38 am »

It would only work if you killed every single hostile critter and ended combat without exiting the map, therefore that exploit wouldn't work for No.1

No. 3 would in no way make newbies safer, they would still be killed for lulz.

for no.1 fair point but suppose it were the smallest cave with 2 deathclaw and i kept wounding them such that i could finish them both off later without exiting. what sort of check will prevent me from getting the bonus then? they have to be at max hp to begin with? but then how ill you control that?

as for no.3
Still since we can have tons of chars what would stop the players to use his new lvl 1 char to kill his friends characters and their alts safely. Lets say that each char gives 200xp and the player's friends have 3 chars each now he has lets say 10 friend in the game thats 6000 xp a day for doing nothing and losing nothing...
Also they could fast relog or dual log to speed this process up (not a nice thing)

This is more or less what i was thinking but didnt bother to write down.


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Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2011, 12:49:00 pm »

I still wait for that legendary "Team XP system" to game.
Bonus XP would be great for new players, but old players already know how to lvl up effective and they got lvl 21 in no time.

And then offtopic.
And whats difference to lvl up, even enemies got anticrit perks and stronger?
Players always find way to beat them anyway.. you just make new players playtime more harsh.
Max lvl to 24 or 27, but still keep HPs stable and everyone like.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 01:01:44 pm by runboy93 »


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Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2011, 04:35:23 pm »

We rather need system that splits xp between everyone who injured the mob. Now it's only that last shot that matters.
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Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2011, 01:18:57 pm »

I dislike number 1 because it promotes leveling against lots of crappy critters rather than fighting bigger stuff. It already makes more sense to go blast mutated moles all the way up to lvl 21 rather than ever hunting deathclaws for xp.
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence  ;D

jonny rust

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Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2011, 05:34:41 am »

We rather need system that splits xp between everyone who injured the mob. Now it's only that last shot that matters.

This would be a huge step in the right direction, especially for rookies working together to take town high XP targets, not to mention it would actually deter abuse; Your level 21 friend could not weaken a deathclaw just for you tow get in that one final hit granting you 1000 xp.

XP gained should reflect respective damage dealt to a target and gained only once it has been killed.

As for the original suggestion, I think there is too much room for abuse for all the reasons above... 
Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2011, 11:53:50 am »

XP gained should reflect respective damage dealt to a target and gained only once it has been killed.

In my opinion xp should only be given if the target is killed by a player.
Right now if someone runs to me in a npc vs. npc encounter 1 hit is enough for them to turn back and attack someone else.
It also should only be given to players who are on the map at the moment the critter died.


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Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2011, 07:35:23 pm »

first, giving xp for killing players is the whorst ideeas i ever heard, it will make noobs like a faction i know kill with a reason, not only for the lulz of it and have a reason for not be the moast ridiculizied faction


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Re: Bonus XP
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2011, 09:52:55 pm »

first, giving xp for killing players is the whorst ideeas i ever heard, it will make noobs like a faction i know kill with a reason, not only for the lulz of it and have a reason for not be the moast ridiculizied faction
Yup. I totally agree with you LagMaster.
If 2238 is like that then NCR is like WW2 :D
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