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Author Topic: Gunslinger build ?  (Read 2426 times)

Gunslinger build ?
« on: August 03, 2011, 12:08:14 pm »

I feel a bit humiliated asking this, noting that I completed every fallout game, but I don't seem to fetch up a nice gunslinger build. I made 2 chars that were a total fail, I want to make a nice character SGer and outdoorsman wuld also tag science but I can't hit a nice build that is nice for shooting pistols accurately, I want to be able to kill someone with like 3 shots with a .44 ! (if he isn't wearing power armour ofc)
Re: Gunslinger build ?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2011, 12:34:41 pm »

This build you reqire just cant exist. To be able to hit properly and have enough shots per round you have to give most of your SPs to SG and rest to doctor to be able to heal your crippled limbs. (which happens very often in PvP)

Try playing with FOnline calculator or character planner.

Valid gunslinger can be build by varuos ways but he will always lack the range of sg-sniper and will lack the damage of proper BG or energy tank. So gunslinger can kill only some lower levels or bad equiped chars
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: Gunslinger build ?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2011, 12:45:38 pm »

For 5 minutes I changed my mind. Now Im gonna make a solder like character, Fighting mainly with assault rifles, using a  bit granades and im gonna make him a gunsmith too ! So I can sell guns to people and make money for my guns. I guess I can make up a good build. Can someone delete this thread now ?


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Re: Gunslinger build ?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2011, 09:42:00 pm »

even crappyer than gunslinger

look, i suggest you make simpler builds, like 10 int pure craft level6 max proffesion builds are good for money, especialy armorer(since you can't farm from NPCs armors) or a sniper crippeler build witn 10 lk and PE

start low than try more exotic builds

for example my exotic sneaker merk leader build that beets by far Michaelh139's builds when it comes to versatility
(i mean i can play as merk leader, as sneaky scout and as a taxi+probably a SG 1 hex burster)
Re: Gunslinger build ?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2011, 06:28:47 am »

I actually made a solder like character and I like it, yesterday I point blanked a minigunner ! ^^


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Re: Gunslinger build ?
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2011, 12:33:26 pm »

I actually made a solder like character and I like it, yesterday I point blanked a minigunner ! ^^
Soldier like characters are overpowered, nerf them!!1111

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Re: Gunslinger build ?
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2011, 03:09:38 pm »

Soldier like characters are overpowered, nerf them!!1111


2 be honest the only fun thing I found in the game is PVP, walking with my friend around the city and point blanking people 4 no reason is VERY fun, when we decided to do somthing not that PvPish we got bored to bones. the only fun thing that doesn't involve that much pvp in the game is having slaves AND PvPing then people come back to us when we killed them and rage, we just shoot them again, I wish u culd collect heads as trophies in the game so i can fill my tent with heads of snipers and minigunners because the game is freaking FULL of them lol


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Re: Gunslinger build ?
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2011, 06:42:45 pm »

This his how yet another Tough Roleplayer mutated into Tough PvP Ape. This never changes :>
Nie biegaj za stadem.

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