Other > Gang Issues
Hands off! - New Reno
jonny rust:
coming back to the original moan;
Reno is THE town for gangs and has been since it was conceived that way. It is supposed to be a place for multiple gangs to co-exist (peacefully or not) and it's whole philosophy is 'run with a pack or die'. Sure come alone if you want, everyone does it eventually but all of us that do have to expect failure and there is no point moaning about it afterwards. If you want one on one PvP there seems to be a fair few loner PK's in Redding these days. Things change sometimes, get used to it.
As for the Mordinos I have encountered them only once; they also told me to "stop" and when I did it was not followed by any bloodshed, only conversation. what more could you want from a gang that doesn't even know you, and who are the current ruling force of the turf you happen to be walking through?
p.s. next time you set up a poll give people real options, not just different versions of your opinion.
Heckler Spray:
Seriously, guys, I wonder when you're gonna stop complaining and start playing instead.
You spent a year whinning about swarm, and as for now half of our team is trying something different with a bit of roleplay, and you're still complaining about swarm...
What's wrong with you ?
Why swarm is bad? Swarm is really good, especially when enemies are really only few 8) Thats all. We will not stop playing with our friends just because you dont want die in deadly swarm. Just deal with it
And I dont really see how 5 Mordinos (most of times we are not more) can be qualified of swarmers ...
The maximum Mordinos I saw together is 9 ... when there is 240 poeple connected on the server. ::)
Edit : that means Mordinos represent 3.75% of the server. I dont know how this 3.75% of the server can swarm the other 96.25% without these 96.25% can do anything ;D
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