Other > Gang Issues

Hands off! - New Reno

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--- Quote from: manero on July 14, 2011, 09:28:41 pm ---Its hard to swarm anyone if maximum we got is 6 people on team speak. Anyway im not going to ruin this topic so it time to shut up for me.

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What about BBS past? And even now you have no problem 6 vs. 1 which I personally consider as a swarm. (If isn't then 30 vs. 5 isn't swarm either).

--- Quote from: RavenousRat on July 14, 2011, 09:28:54 pm ---Of couse every ruski who's playing FOnline: 2338 project are from Rogues!

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Where did I say that? I only say that we don't use mercs (at least I am not aware of it) and that most of the time mercs are used by russians (don't forget BHH are russians, too).


--- Quote from: Rio on July 14, 2011, 09:39:16 pm ---I do not get why you cannot realize, that people sometimes want to fight in smaller groups. You're always talking about numbers and posting those screenshots (made like 3-4 months ago :o).

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Maybe because wasteland is harsh ?  ::)

Aaah, Reno was SO much better when Rio was able to do his RP inside, when these evil Mordinos swarmers weren't there !


--- Quote from: Cha on July 14, 2011, 09:43:20 pm ---Solo ? This game is made of gangs dude.

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   First of all, can you read english text? I can feel you cannot and I've got that feeling since begining of your posting. I assume also, whole today's afternoon you spent looking for screenshots. I am not going to do that, as you are not worth of it. You're making the liar and possessed man from me, even without reading posts and trying to understand - modern youth.
   Posted screens are only proof I am often in New Reno and I know what is going there. Above posted screenshot is kind of slander and I am asking moderator to remove it and convince the author, that he's totally wrong. Posting the screenshot like this requires something more than just saying. In the other way you could hurt someone. You should know - justice. Do you know this word or you put it inside your profile info without knowing the meaning? Anyway, you're still young - much time to learn.


--- Quote from: Rio on July 14, 2011, 09:49:32 pm ---   Posted screens are only proof I am often in New Reno and I know what is going there. Above posted screenshot is kind of slander and I am asking moderator to remove it and convince the author, that he's totally wrong. Posting the screenshot like this requires something more than just saying. In the other way you could hurt someone. You should know - justice. Do you know this word or you put it inside your profile info without knowing the meaning? Anyway, you're still young - much time to learn.

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Oh, and I say that your first post is false too ! So I am asking moderator to remove it and convince the author, that you are totally wrong.


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