Other > Gang Issues

Hands off! - New Reno

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That's really interesting. The topic was assessed as crying from one side, when there was much bigger alliance on the another side. My own point of view of course and I really wonder who would be brave enough to judge a fight as omniscient arbiter. Although I was on the WM for some time, I can at least say who was fighting who. John Porno has problems again, which don't stop him from telling how many people got every side. Now some man has problems:

--- Quote ---it's always fun though how I see guys like Korrell, notiluss, rio and a lot of others in groups from 8 to 15 camping on commercial and not going into tc. Compared to tttla/c88 and hawks these days, you guys have the greatest numbers.
--- End quote ---
Topic was abandoned for some time and no one had problems, at least here. So John Porn says someone has the greatest number, but screen depicts, that he's a bit wrong... Nothing more to tell at this.

The fuck are you dancing about one damn screenshot it's like .... hello dumbness reaches the skies ! Talk about things in general , from rogues point of view most of the battles and by most of i mean at least like 2/3 we were only trying to intercept the battles as a third party because we didn't have the numbers. I see it simple , guess who is camping new reno mostly the (random amount of factions allied together aka the faceless blob ) guess who likes to come back more than they need to deal with current enemies (people need to think for 2 sec here ) yes that's right you just guessed the one million dollar answer the faceless blob , they are more and guess what are they still doing --> see the first action , from random faction view....

Random faction guy one: " hey guys let's go TC modoc "
Random faction guy two: " hmm good idea maybe someone will show up "
Random faction guy three: " wait i scouted like 11 guys in new reno and maybe more and a lot of fighting going on "
Random faction guy one: " ehmm .... well if so many people are in new reno we should go there "
Random faction guy two: " okay reno it is "

In the end there is another town control in new reno yeah ..... the cause of problem is too many guys showing up to camp new reno in the end faceless blob is always right and it's never their fault cause " we have so many people what should we do " ---> go tc !

No what's or buts otherwise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU

btw i actually had problems calling you all as a gang so faceless blob well isn't original but what the heck suits you fine.

Dear Aquare,

You posted a screenshot of me, John and 6 other people on commercial street in Reno, asking us why we were there instead of starting a tc timer. Given the criticism of large scale wars in Reno, your question is fair - allow me one humble attempt to explain to you what I believe happened in this particular instance.

At first cham0 from TTTLA came to our (C88) channel on mumble and asked if we were interested in fighting some people in Reno - he and recon had spotted approximately seven people in good gear (BA), and one of the names were associated with having spawned mercs in the past, so it seemed like we were up for quite a challenge. At the time it was only me and Leon in our channel, making us four versus possibly 7 or more people.

Since our odds didn't look too promising, I went and asked some people that were online on our IRC channel. More people than I expected were willing to join, and we ended up with 8 people in total. After a while a ninth person joined, and a minute or so later another guy dropped out, so our numbers were 8 for the majority of the duration.

At this point I suppose one could stop and ask if, since we're after all 8 people online and ready, we shouldn't instead start a TC timer. The reason we didn't, or why nobody even suggested it, was that a fight in reno was more or less guaranteed, whereas you can never be sure that anyone will come if you start a TC timer. Thus we went with the "safe" option, providing the best chances for us to have some fun PvP.

So we got ready and when we saw the enemy, we entered the town and the fighting started. I usually try to record every action that I'm in, since you never know in advance if a fight will be fun to watch afterwards, but unfortunately I wasn't really paying attention, and I only hit the record button about half way into the first fight. We ended up winning the fight, and the screenshot you posted is taken only a few moments before we all leave again: it is just after we have secured most of the loot.

A short while later, the action resumes, and we have another decent fight, although not as gratifying as I had hoped.

The fights were in no way spectacular, and the recordings even less so. I personally made several mistakes and was not really focused, so I was a bit disappointed overall. But since you have showed such a keen interest in the exact transpiring of the events that night, just to quench your healthy thirst for knowledge, I have compiled for you my unedited footage, and uploaded it to youtube. I didn't plan to upload it before, because I don't think it's interesting enough to watch. But for you, I made an exception :). This way you can see exactly who was where and how large each side was.


Please watch it, and if you have any complaints or arguments why this type of action should be disallowed in Reno, why they bother you so much, or if you have suggestions on how any of us can avoid them in the future or to make the playing experience better for all of us, I am all ears.

Have a good day/night, whenever you are.

I wish we all gangs (at least the ones with numbers, so the smaller ones have a chance any.) would lean toward a low tier gear agreement in new reno.  I mean, all tier 3 gear everywhere in fallout like is for most part is ridiculous enough but jeese, can't have one place where you aren't raped by a guy in ba/avenger killing you in combat leather jacket and a 10mm smg.

With low tier gear, numbers won't matter quite as much, as death rate will be much smaller, and real tactic can be formed on how to win against enemy.


--- Quote from: Lidae on September 01, 2011, 04:24:01 am ---At first cham0 from TTTLA came to our (C88) channel on mumble and asked if we were interested in fighting some people in Reno - he and recon had spotted approximately seven people in good gear (BA), and one of the names were associated with having spawned mercs in the past, so it seemed like we were up for quite a challenge. At the time it was only me and Leon in our channel, making us four versus possibly 7 or more people.

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This is exactly what im talking about if there is a large number camping reno already you can't expect people to come with small numbers and if someone is in reno it guarantees a fight because fighting with the timer isn't fun.

Michael everyone likes ba/avenger it's teh power altough lazers can counter it just by shooting arms , and leather jacket , 10 mm smg can you pick more shitier weapons wheres the fun bursting a guy 4 or 5 times till he is dead , i like how pvp is with high tier shit fast and aggressive not some tb or low tier combat where you have like half a day to think , btw low tier combat will just end up being SS eating contest if you can't kill the guys fast enough and that's even more crap.


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