Other > Gang Issues

Add Schmidt to the Base-rapist list:

<< < (3/5) > >>

Guess you're sad you left the hummer with 10 CA's, 5 BA's and 2 million caps in it... that sucks.

I didn't know there was a base raper list...

So in the mind of Reese :
-Base rape is cool.

In the mind of falloutdude :
-TTTLA are fucking noobs swarmers.

It will be a cool debate, a mix between TTTLA skill (you know the team of french noobs) and base rape. ;D

PS : falloutdude you are in wich team ?


--- Quote from: Jescri on July 09, 2011, 12:03:37 pm ----TTTLA are fucking noobs swarmers.

--- End quote ---
I always hear that from Jescri. It's pathetic.


--- Quote from: Floodnik on July 09, 2011, 02:16:10 pm ---I always hear that from Jescri. It's pathetic.

--- End quote ---

Then youre pathetic too, also everyone else who is bitching about TTLA. Jescri said only opinion which have others about TTLA ...


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