Other > Gang Issues

J R Isodore is stealing without the guards doing anything about it in NCR!!!

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He's a pussy, I see him messing with people in NCR all the time, he either bitches out or yells at people telling them he's going to burst them.

O_o Isi are you mad?
You can't have better reputation than me!


--- Quote from: Rain on July 07, 2011, 07:40:46 pm ---I Kill j r at least 1 time a week.If u got a tough carachter,troll him a little,he will come and burst you with an smg or a fn fal,most probably.Hence get killed by the guards.You loot and troll him then. ;D

If you got a weak character,form a team,challenge him,make him follow you out out town,make him get killed by ur comrades...he is stupid.If you think a little,there are tons of way of mocking him.

--- End quote ---

I know the guy alright, hes way way beyond simple trolling to just fall for that.

It has been posted before, just dont bring stuff and it will be alright, and if you do bring stuff, then sneak to the stores. And if you need to meet people there then go to Vortis

Sometimes it really is impossible to sell stuff when thieves are around, so you just have to save the loot to sell it another day or another place

Yeah, I walked into NCR once and he started following me around and I stopped to see what he was going to try and do, and he point blank bursted me dead calling me PK scum. (I have the TKs tag behind my name because i'm a Kahn.) I had nothing valuable so I really didn't care too much.

 Anyways, next time I saw him he was trying to pickpocket me so I ran into the city with him tailing me calling me PK scum and stuff again, and watched him get wasted by the guards as soon as he pulled out his SMG.

Now he just pickpockets worthless shit off me when I walk through NCR, I do get a little peeved when he manages to get all my 5mm AP though, since I have to walk to base to get more.

Anyways, he isn't as bad as Azura. She sneaks up on you before you get a chance to walk away, and almost always gets some shit off you. :P

It doesnt take a detective to deduce this thieves are making a killing on trolling you.

Ill say this bluntly, in the face of this much trolling.... Why are you still on the NCR??

tbh Hub is IMO a very underrated town, with 2 general stores and a big guns vendor with plenty of BG stuff, and then a couple sectors away from the mighty gunrunners, why is that you keep lingering on Trolltown?


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