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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: "Nice" game you got there.  (Read 4993 times)


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Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2011, 05:40:26 am »

1) As for your first part, yes, NCR is full of suicide bursters/bombers. It is just troll town. Hub and VC are much more calm, and Hub has merchants too.

   "you'll die because someone pushed you". If I understand you correctly, this probably meant you were unprotected from blocking, and that's how they were able to kill you. You probably accidentally stood at a brahmin gate for too long.

2) 8-12 year olds? Please...

3) Avoiding thieves is really easy, just go to WM if you ever have to go AFK. Shoveling brahmin shit is about the most unproductive thing in the game. You can get more caps + equipment from one "Unity vs Khan Raiders" encounter near Broken Hills at lvl 1.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2011, 01:27:53 pm »

Wasteland Harsh:
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 01:32:59 pm by Swinglinered »
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2011, 02:59:36 am »

Wasteland Harsh:

It's hars because he needed like 3-4 alts for that. Would be much easier without those limits. :/
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Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2011, 03:26:12 am »

Finding a skelly necro on the expansion HC ladder with his personal army... and then there is this image.


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Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2011, 05:44:18 am »

The game is what you make of it.

All the other Fallout games are single player, and should be played as such.

I personally am getting a great deal of satisfaction from working with other people to accomplish a goal.

It's not hard to find decent people in this game, unless of course you present yourself as an 8-12 year old, whining about the game and the people who play it.

The decent players will avoid you.

If and when you see me, and you are a level 3 blue suit, don't act like an ass. I'll simply walk away.

If instead you are decent, ask questions, and don't act like an idiot I will answer those questions. And probably give you 10 brahmin hides. Or a weapon and ammo, or armor, or caps, or a ride somewhere.

Based upon my personal experience, what you get out of the game depends entirely on how you approach the game. If you want a different experience, try approaching it differently.

Instead, if you want to continue to bellyache, feel free to ask for your money back.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 05:45:50 am by codave »


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Yah it really is a nice game
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2011, 06:14:55 am »

Sorry for thread necromancy:

Tarn sees his work in stridently ethical terms. He calls games like Angry Birds or Bejeweled, which ensnare players in addictive loops of frustration and gratification under the pretense that skill is required to win, “abusive” — a common diagnosis among those who get hooked on the games, but a surprising one from a game designer, ostensibly charged with doing the hooking. “Many popular games tap into something in a person that is compulsive, like hoarding,” he said, “the need to make progress with points or collect things. You sit there saying yeah-yeah-yeah and then you wake up and say, What the hell was I doing? You can call that kind of game fun, but only if you call compulsive gambling fun.” He added: “I used to value the ability to turn the user into your slave. I don’t anymore.”



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Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2011, 10:35:16 pm »

Fallout games are single player
You can play Tactics multiplayer, and it's quite a blast!
"What is this, I don't even"
"This is your forum."


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Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2011, 02:25:56 am »

Basically in the end of the day it's just a video game. If you get to angry I advise you just log off at your tent for awhile take a break. Come back on try it again. Items don't matter in this game unless your a PvP guy in that case you need good gear. The main factor in this game is just to level up your character.

What I found out early on is that getting trolled / PK'ed is that you learn from your mistakes. Which makes you even more of professional at FOnline. So basically heres a tl;dr.

1) At the end of the day its a game, you learn from your mistakes you get better.
2) Items aren't the goal of this game, leveling is the goal.
3) If you get angry, log off at your tent take a break.

jonny rust

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Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2011, 03:28:10 am »

I agree with some of what Flash said in that you can't take it too seriously.

However there is only one global goal in this game (besides the goal to improve it through testing) and that is to survive.

unlike 1 and 2, there is nothing special about your character. He cannot really 'beat' the game, he can only survive it (until an inevitable wipe anyway).

However there is also your personal goal which is up to you. each one of us sets personal goals within the game for ourselves which we try to then meet. Considering the human element, your objective can really be as creative as you want it to be and imo you are in charge creating your own reason to play. So I recommend you keep playing to get a feel for the mechanics and an idea of what is possible until you figure out what you niche is in the wasteland and then tackle it.   
Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #24 on: July 24, 2011, 05:53:42 am »

I know that feel bro.


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Re: "Nice" game you got there.
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2011, 09:25:36 am »

tbh leveling is the point ? thought is to don't die till lvl 21 !
Why would you argue with someone, while you can kill him.
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