mmggmgbgmmok lets clear out few things about how russians are being seen in most cases (and i dont realy mean fonline in particular)1) One of the strongest senses of nationaliy - they often group up and pick same server for play outnumbering other nationalities when they do.2) As so they focus on playing with their homies , not realy integrating with other nations 3) letters - that west cant type let alone understand . 4) Either most Russians dont speak english to well or simply dont bother to use it - if there is homie in team they will talk in russian ignoring the english speaking rest5) When PVP in most cases (all?) russians dont kill their homies but kos anyone elsethis result in Russia vs rest of the world in majority of games out there. I played quite a few and when i ended up on server with russians it looked like that ... also seen in several cases when those severs were turned into Russian only ... now if its not the thing in your case then dont worry about it its not realy first nor second case when other's deeds influence innocents.. (im sure i played with quite a few "good" russians just i dont realy know this as we all spoke english and didnt ask "Where are you from" )
One of them is RogueDriver, the other's name was in some barbaric language.
just because we play a post-apocalyptic game doesn't mean we have to accept to see people insulting us of jews.
And oh yes, dont forget that Cvet - who made FO, who did this online mod for all world - is russian.