Other > Closed suggestions
Suicide button
--- Quote from: Andr3aZ on November 18, 2010, 10:58:57 am ---This Thread was necro'd. Its already a closed suggestion as cuttheveins was implemented. refrain from posting.
*feels like a moderator*
--- End quote ---
Yeah you really behaved like a moderator. I was just trying to help ghostiez because it seems he didn't know what the suicide command was. Is that a bad thing? Why don't you go moderate that little kids' like discussion they are having about Broken Hills. It is full of trolls already. But no. You come to act as a moderator here.
ITT: Moderators and lack of humour.
Just close the game and get a drink. That's your death button.
......ok thanks! ;)
hell yea... bowls are goin left and right with this game -run death(GOOOS FRABA!!!!!)
...i <3 this game..
My sincere apologies Eternauta, i know your intentions are noble.
I was more like joking around a bit while bored at jobschool. And its no good idea if i would be a moderator for BH discuission. It's not like i expect a spanish inquisition but they would sure hate me all in no-time.
Apologies accepted man. And no offense but I'm not going to type anything else about Broken Hills here, otherwise this would become another annoying troll parade.
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