FOnline Development > FOnline Projects
FO: Desert Europe
in my opinnion u shound increase exp we can get from hits.
1hit point - 2-3 exp
when npc is on "-hp" u wont get any exp *it is a BUG
RAS u NEED to increase number of basic materials in encouters, fibers, junk-scraps, and maby basic tools in some urban encounters. i was looking for 4 flimts 20min and i coulndt find even 1. make farming scaveging more noob friendly like on requiem.
and maby make some encounters npc vs npc from who we can loot some basic weapons/stuff. now it is pain in ass to find 4 flints.
And last one, wednesday to see devs gms in game So we can ask Them questions. Leaving players alone in new serv isnt good idea
So I encountered 'Psycho Ghouls' in first turn I got hit in between the eyes for 30 damage each. Instantly dead. Couldn't even run.
Make low npcs vs low npcs encounters and they can be neutral to player, and same medium and strong npcs from who we can get stuff. And also caravans with weapons and resources sp we can farm Them from various caravans. But u need to let us get basic flints and basic tools from encs because it is v hard now and crafting is huge here.
Maby starting set depends of specials we choose
--- Quote from: Ras on March 11, 2013, 08:23:20 pm ---DOWNLOAD CLIENT .zip
About the most important things what we're working on:
- Encounters: Will be more varied different NPC and criters groups.
--- End quote ---
And please add some hints/tips or dialogues from NPCs where to find the quest guy or just quest in general, I was looking for the guy which gives you ammo in REF forever :o
And gah nerf these Psycho Ghouls, 550 Health each and Colt as weapon which ALWAYS crits. That's just impossible - put them into some location like bottom three squares but not just..Q_Q
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