FOnline Development > FOnline Projects

FO: Desert Europe

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Right now I can only tell you small info about it:

WM is smaller because of transporting
Only few citites, which are in the best condition(fully finished) and they are on West side of Europe

Soon, expect full changelog what we did and what has been changed.
Stay tuned!  ;)

I'm looking for support to do quests and simple scripts.
Interested persons please send me PM.
Thank you

I am looking too for people, who want make background story, and qest system for single/multi player game.

We have now two developers teams, and different visions of FODE.

Ras is working on "old" FODE with old worldmap, and all old ideas.

I am working on "new" FODE: smaller WM(only west side of europe), few town (1/3 from old FODE), and only few basic ideas. I thing, there will have much more possibilities to finish simple game by using FOT system(yes, other team is working on fot, but i can not put here any infos),  and few new solutions.

At first we need to finish something like RPG single player version to give some "spirit" to game, and then we will replace some solutions to make mmo like on FOT, 2238, Requiem, and MK2. That will take more like next one year(we wish to make it good, but have not many people).

If someone want to help us, than please send me priv.

I could help you guys but I only know 3D modelling.

Nice idea but there you propably don't get any help, because people (not all but most) can only insult and troll. Go to RPG Codex or NMA.


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