FOnline Development > FOnline Projects
FO: Desert Europe
This thread is quite funny but it's also depressing, I think it has shown a bit of the worst side of this community. I mean it's not the usual trolol, but people speaking about going to trial because of FOnline, for fuck sake...
--- Quote from: Eternauta on December 11, 2011, 03:49:21 pm ---I mean it's not the usual trolol, but people speaking about going to trial because of FOnline, for fuck sake...
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I've heard about some dude looking for another one in real life, to kick his ass, due to robbed base or something. Fuck's sake, aye.
There was no police,no trial/court/lawsuit whatsoever I should have been going to the police to denounce him for blackmailing.And if they are too stupid to manage their own forum that's their problem.I'm was not scared nor I gave a shit.I just realised that even if the password to the admin page was public due to permissions mistakes I shouldn't have entered but curiosity killed the cat. And is not that I stole their maps as they claim I did, all I did was look through the topics and see some names nothing more. But for obviusly some people like to exagerate. Now I don't want to acuse Xenom of anything he has all the right to be mad but in your PM to me you attempted to blackmail me the seccond time
--- Quote from: xenom on December 09, 2011, 10:05:41 pm ---Ok, last question. do you want say "sorry" for that what did you make with our forum, here in topic, or want to have much problems? That is your choise, not our.
If you do not give any answer, than in 3 days we will give info to our police about our decision.
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and then you insult the forum and server saying that your's is 100x times better then you come back and appolagise about it and then insult again and threat various people that you are going to do lawsuit and shit against them. IMO you need to calm yourself down.You come here to this forum the DEV's here let you advertise your server and then you insult them and threaten them with lawsuit and shit? Who the fuck do you think you are little man? You are not able to accept some constructive criticism from anyone and threat them with lawsuit and police? You got serious issues I really suggest you get a life and go outside more or live with your family like you claim you have.I do not try to put you,your team and server in a bad light but..... you have problems.... This is all I had to say and will no be replying anything else to this topic. La revedere.
--- Quote from: Gob on December 11, 2011, 04:11:40 pm ---And if they are too stupid to manage their own forum that's their problem.
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If you killed or beat someone then it's his fault, because he wasn't protect himself properly?
And if we are too stupid to manage forum, then what you are if you break a law, smart?
--- Quote from: Gob on December 11, 2011, 02:22:11 pm ---"I can see his router configuration ;D" - this was janosik -> this also link to my conversation with him.
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Still I can't find this quote in your screenshot, I've never said, that I saw anything from your router, seems, you like to compromise yourself.
If someone wants, whole talk with him from this communicator:
Even I wanted help you after reading, that your router just breaks, mostly it is because of bugged firmware :) As well as some problems with port forwarding (or maybe you're not so smart to set it?)
--- Quote from: Shangalar on December 11, 2011, 02:42:11 pm ---Seriously, who would play on a server where the dev could threaten you just because you found some... exploit ? That's beyond imagination.
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Ok, so vandalism, violation of privacy, conscious getting sensitive informations is ok for you? It doesn't matter if vandalism in kind of destroying bus stop, or like this raynor009 done - skiddie fun
Blackmailing? Threats? And who is saying that, what a hypocrite, some messages before...
--- Quote from: Gob on December 08, 2011, 04:42:52 pm ---Yes, it's all very real.Got them from the "restricted" section.
Note to FO DEV: You should work on your forum more.It was fun to look through your control panel and admin panel.Another thing I want to say.If you cunts attempt to enter my router or do anything I will fucking deface your forum and take your fucking host is that clear? Retarded cunts.Surf is right you do steal graphics atleast most of them .You should be banned from this forum. You manage to enter my router because I did not change password to it i left the default in case i forgot.No is not a problem I did change it.Just keep in mind with who are you fucking with.
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--- Quote from: Gob on December 11, 2011, 04:11:40 pm ---And is not that I stole their maps as they claim I did, all I did was look through the topics and see some names nothing more.
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And some words more, nice lie, screenshot of Xenom shows perfectly what you've done - is changing whole boards to visible state "just look through" (if you look on children porn you would say as well "I was just looking"?), or rather vandalism?
--- Quote from: Gob on December 11, 2011, 04:11:40 pm ---And is not that I stole their maps as they claim I did, all I did was look through the topics and see some names nothing more.
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Oh, really? Don't you remember, what you've said? Only forum? Good one ;)
--- Quote from: Gob on December 08, 2011, 09:14:02 pm ---Listen to yourself kid lawsuit ahahah this is good joke.But better end this story and I say I am sorry is shouldn't have messed with your forum but curiosity killed the cat if you know what I mean. I do know who accessed my router and that person is from your team(i guess i should do lawsuit against you hahahahah) but I will not tell name nor do care as you can't do anything if you access it.
On the other hand....
I tryed your server a few hours ago. You did really good job with maps and graphics I even found some map bugs and I would be very happy to relay them to you via PM. And I got the SVN client link from forum history using goole and the host and port from server from some topic on your forum.I really like the worldmap alot but to be honest the City's are very very big you should divide them into areas.And about combat well with big guns I want to be able to shoot twice 7 AP is too much even with bonus rate of fire.I don't know about crafting what you did but I try to increase science and repair but nothing else appeared in fixboy....did you make proffessions? I also saw slots for "implants" and a third slot that was not usable what about those? Also encounter NPC's are overpowered and I notice another thing too when there is battle's they appear only for Scrappers City and Fury Town? Then the NPC's don't still got alot to do till OBT make sure u finnish ^^
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--- Quote from: Eternauta on December 11, 2011, 03:49:21 pm ---This thread is quite funny but it's also depressing, I think it has shown a bit of the worst side of this community. I mean it's not the usual trolol, but people speaking about going to trial because of FOnline, for fuck sake...
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In the end it doesn't matter what it is about when it's about people messing with other people. If someone stomps your sandcastle, will you just watch or make that guy eat some sand?
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