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TF2 Free to Play

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watch till the end

now i got what to do untill wipe

Lool.  I love all these frekin TF2 Vids.  And it's about time they got the medic in there.

And I gotta say....  FOR FREE???  "FOREVER"?  Seems a little overstated.  I highly doubt it'll be free in the next 100 or even 200 years.   ;D

Hell it'll prolly become a forgotten relic by then.

OH MY FUCKIN GOD!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o(forgive spam)

I completely forgot about this game!!!!!
Im downloading it right now....can wait for play it.
I love that "free to play" in PC because i tryed to buy this game for PC and i never found one seller close to my region.

I see the FAQ of the game right now, it doesnt says anything about have a console copie of the game, im the owner of The Orange Box for Xbox 360 wich contains TF2, i wander if that could give me a premuim account......ANYWAY FREE TO PLAY.......WEEEEEEEEEEEE

EDIT: my Mac cant handle the game, it is v10.4.11, and the game needs 10.5...... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Ill try in my old PC but i doubt about his power

EDIT 2:MY COMPUTER HOLDS THE GAME!! it is mostly in the limits:
However im downloading at 102-110 KB/S i need 28 hours to download the game, so i have to be patient

Free? I never thought that a such thing could become free. It's strange, dont ya think?

--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on June 24, 2011, 09:20:00 pm ---Lool.  I love all these frekin TF2 Vids.  And it's about time they got the medic in there.

And I gotta say....  FOR FREE???  "FOREVER"?  Seems a little overstated.  I highly doubt it'll be free in the next 100 or even 200 years.   ;D

Hell it'll prolly become a forgotten relic by then.

--- End quote ---
Probably in 100 or 200 years it will be not even a relic... not even a holodisk mentioning it. It holodisk will exist.

It won't be free. Nothing is ever free. You'll be restricted somehow through either their bizarre weapon system or through gaining hats.


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