Other > Faction Announcements
Aussie faction formed
The South Reno Chopstiks Gang
Founding members:
Ari Lazarus
If you are an Aussie, We encourage you to join this tight community of ex-http://www.erepublik.com/eneRepublik players!
We are highly organised and gradually establishing our structure and management to reflect our background in online political/warfare simulators.
All non-Aussies will be screened for acceptable standards before entry is provided, This test includes:
Beer consumption
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drop_bearDropbear survival camps
And of course, you need to have a sense of humour and mateship!
We are currently investigating the options of forming defensive alliances. Especially with other 'developing' faction who we hope to gain a long-term friendship with to increase the scope of interaction between our players and the Wastelands survivors.
We will not be seeking to join a major alliance until we are established well enough in the wastes to be useful and functional inside an alliance of significant scope.
Anyone looking for a cooperative and functional faction to establish a good rapport with, please pm one of our founding members to initiate contact :)
Mr Feltzer:
Hey Fellow Aussies... Wanna Ally With Another Allied Faction?
If Yes Please Give Me an Awnser Here: http://usrfonline.freeforums.org/index.php
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