Other > Closed suggestions

Time waiting when died?

(1/2) > >>

im very annoiyed about that when you character get down and get blooded (Die)
and then must wait.

Can this repaired?

I mean: Put less time when died

sorry my english.

I think he has a point. The respawn timer is just frustrating when piled on top of the weakening timer, along with the fact that you've just lost your stuff. I can understand trying to put a delay between death and being back in action, but the above two, as well as the random respawn make up for that well enough, I think.

Need more waiting time!
Death must bee very Unpleasant event!!!!Imho :)


--- Quote from: Nilf-GaaRd on February 08, 2010, 09:24:33 am ---Need more waiting time!
Death must bee very Unpleasant event!!!!Imho :)

--- End quote ---

Quickly to play again  ;)

Hell no. Seeing people you've just killed come back after 5 minutes is just plain friggin' annoying, especially during big battles where they just come to loot the stuff and run away.

I have another suggestion; make the timer location specific. I suggest the following:

PvP-enabled towns - 10 minutes
New Reno & encounters - no changes, maybe 1 minute if level < 12
Guarded towns - 1 minute (or normal wait if killed by the guards)


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