Other > Faction Announcements
Robbers, outlaws, pirates...
We kill, we loot, we shit on dead bodies, we let ghouls kill you.
Blood, death, shit...
My skype: marko.big
The killing spree begins... all screenshots will be saved on this profile(oh well if you can find out profile): http://imageshack.us/g/64/screen24042011182522.jpg/
TB swarm vs 1 bluesuit or leather armor guy. Excellent killing spree.
fuck this bullshit couldn't kill anyone today, everyone's off to requiem fuck them and no noobs outside need hours to waste, fuck, could move this to rage forum
What was before you started this thread? ...
Drugs? Alcohol? Weed?
........ i think this guy is a dumbass , if you really want to go on killings spree and prove you badass, start by not killing newbs and go to a tc. lets see how many times you die too cs,tttla swarms next time please post something of vaule not i killed a bluesuit i rock...
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