Other > Closed suggestions

Energy weapon

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Oh, I've played, I imagine I was one of the first to level 21 actually ;). Though just like everyone else I reach different conclusions to everyone else.

You get one person saying BG are too good, the next saying crits are impossible to play against - one person saying only BG are worth bursting, the next saying SG are better than most BG ... and so on. Then the odd situation where one person will say something is too good, but also too expensive and time consuming in the same breath  ;D

When there is genuine consensus these things can be fixed, like the recent Shotgun fix for example. (And hopefully AR someday soon too).

So the reason we're never going to see any major combat tweaks is because the players can't agree on anything? Or that you've decided nothing needs to be changed? I'm just curious.

i dont get it, if it sucks to you then you dont take energy weapons, you took them get owned and complay, thats the thing that sucks not energy weapons.


--- Quote from: Badger on February 08, 2010, 06:21:29 pm ---So the reason we're never going to see any major combat tweaks is because the players can't agree on anything? Or that you've decided nothing needs to be changed? I'm just curious.

--- End quote ---

Well, combat isn't my area to change, I speak only about what I personally will bug Atom about :)

But, for example Metal Armour vs Leather Armour Mk II (Normal Damage)

DR 30:30
DT 4:2
Cost $5000:$1100

You're paying (and therefore risking each time you use it) a whole lot more for +2 DT when normal damage is concearned. Basically all you get is good performance vs the lower tier of Energy weapons.

Metal Armour is fine as far as I'm concerned. They pay a lot of extra money and in the end that performance doesn't even protect against the crits that Snipering with the laser rifle should be all about.

+2 DT means you can survive mini fire ;) It's worth some more caps paid for.


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