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Strong Back

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When i got my drawing tablet i was confronted with discomfort while sitting at my computer and had the same problem, i also had pain in the waist.

Few suggestions: If you can set your chairs height, try it a little bit higher or lower to get more comfortable with your arms. If your arms cant lie on the desk or something your whole body will bent to the front, caussing your back to get pressured which can hurt with time. Also dont try to sit too layed back and whatever you do, don't you ever bent the fuck towards your screen with your neck, its poison for every bone in that region.

Comfortable chair and comfortable position works for me. (5-15 hours a day for 7 years)

--- Quote from: Sarakin on June 19, 2011, 05:33:47 pm ---Use bed + notebook combo
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I haven't found right position from which my neck or other body parts weren't in pain when using this combination (I haven't even figured out how to read in bed), so I stick with the chair + table combo.


--- Quote from: Andr3aZ on June 20, 2011, 10:33:57 am ---Few suggestions: If you can set your chairs height, try it a little bit higher or lower to get more comfortable with your arms. If your arms cant lie on the desk or something your whole body will bent to the front, caussing your back to get pressured which can hurt with time. Also dont try to sit too layed back and whatever you do, don't you ever bent the fuck towards your screen with your neck, its poison for every bone in that region.

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tnx, i will try it


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