Other > Suggestions

Make Gatling more useful

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--- Quote ---Well it is a pretty retarded concept for a weapon. Multiple barrels for what exactly? Greater inaccuracy?
--- End quote ---
It's just a game, many ideas here are far from reality.
Multiple barrels are for slower overheating.

Having a single place of shooting makes recoil easier to compensate too. Besides, it just looks awesome. And come on... Gatling Laser is just something gamers like. It sounds like its made of pure awesome.

I've never been one for wasting ammo.

Well it is not so no-brainer.

Just look at laser pistol or rifle, it is firing single shot. Maybe it will overheat with more rapid fire, maybe capacitator need to recharge or it takes some time before pistol generate laser beam. Maybe technology ditn't solve these problems, so more engeneered solution had to show.
This is solved by rorating capacitators and laser-production chambers. When it is in -90 degrees before it can fire, gattling computer give order to laser-chamber to produce laser beam. When it is in firing position, on 0 degrees, the laser beam leave the laser chamber and fire at target. Then imediatly it start to recharge and after 270 degree it is ready to fire again.

maybe make gatling so it uses Small Energy Cells instead of MFC. I know it's not how it's made in original fallout, but the weapon itself is far fary away from original fallout effectiveness...


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