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Forum Update to SMF 2.0

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--- Quote from: Trias on June 14, 2011, 08:16:01 pm ---No post counts!? Who do we know who to listen to?!

--- End quote ---

There is still the "speech" indicator.


--- Quote from: Trias on June 14, 2011, 08:16:01 pm ---No post counts!? Who do we know who to listen to?!

--- End quote ---

Start reading what and how people write...

Only real problem I see is that the only "reply" button is at the bottom of the page, but I guess it doesn't really matter. Oh, and the headlines are smaller.


--- Quote from: Graf on June 14, 2011, 06:04:10 pm ---Signatures doesn't really need these two lines under the post. One line is good and enough. Or you can delete both, and make as it was before.

--- End quote ---
I could imagine board working with no signatures at all. Just imagine the amount of visible text and no disctractions!

Though likning in there has proven to be quite useful.
EDIT: I kinda miss those links to wiki/blog, for there is no real frontpage for 2238 users are now short of more links :<


--- Quote from: Johnnybravo on June 14, 2011, 09:19:39 pm ---EDIT: I kinda miss those links to wiki/blog, for there is no real frontpage for 2238 users are now short of more links :<

--- End quote ---

I agree, links to wiki and blogs were usefull. The server status also diseapeared. It would be good to have all that, though I guess it's planned.


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