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--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 14, 2011, 09:01:11 pm ---I thought the company that made this went bankrupt or something.

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actually they were developing the game like 12 or 13 years, they change of engine like 5 times.... after all that idiot stuff TakeTwo gets mad and send that little studio to the abyss of hell, and his name wont be remembered by any mortal. And TakeTwo end the job.....
I dont know what to think he looks gay, i feel this will be like that idiot game Humefront, promising crude war...good story...awesome new multiplayer, they only give us more SEGA and THQ shit.
I always give a chance to all the new games, even if they look horrible, but this shit dont even deserve a chance.


same shit with Starcraft 2, or Fallout 3: we wait years for hte next game in the series only to see that is good to be used as toilet paper

Meh. After 1 day of nonstop play I've concluded DNF being decent. It's a franchise from the 90s and people were expecting too much groundbreaking features. Their expecations were just as sore as the development teams that kept picking up DNF like some baked hot potatoe. If anything DNF touched my nostalgic bone.

But really if people bought Duke Nukem for just the gameplay... come on.. go back to Call of Duty and watch your interactive movies.  :P
The series was made during a time when silent protonganist and dry humor were standard. Gordon Freeman. Good example although he came a little longer down the road and Valve reasoned the mute character would be more immersive experience, also by keeping the player's viewpoint constant one could feel as if you were Gordon throughout the entire game.

--- Quote from: Reiniat on June 14, 2011, 10:09:11 pm ---PD: TOO BAD THE ORGINAL GAMES WERE AWESOME :'(

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Fallout 3 major letdown...
Starcraft 2 people rarely use strategy at all being REALTIMESTRATEGY... it's almost sad to win games with tier1 units by simple flanking.


--- Quote from: LagMaster on June 14, 2011, 11:15:06 pm ---same shit with Starcraft 2, or Fallout 3: we wait years for hte next game in the series only to see that is good to be used as toilet paper

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I like Starcraft 2  :-[


--- Quote from: Y0ssarian on June 14, 2011, 11:21:04 pm ---Starcraft 2 people rarely use strategy at all being REALTIMESTRATEGY... it's almost sad to win games with tier1 units by simple flanking.

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  I don't get it...  Starcraft 1 was real time strategy.


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