Other > Closed suggestions

Smoother armor deterioration


Currently, even 1% deterioration means that you loose a point of DT/DR/AC. For a leather armor this means decreasing its DT by half, which doesn't make any sense. If an armor has 2 points of DT, it should lose the first point at ~33% deterioration, and the second at ~67%.

I believe that the current formula looks like this:

current_armor_stat = max_armor_stat*(1 - deterioration) rounded down

To fix this, it should be like that:

if(deterioration == 0)
current_armor_stat = max_armor_stat
current_armor_stat = (max_armor_stat + 1)*(1 - deterioration) rounded down


current_armor_stat = (max_armor_stat + 0.99)*(1 - deterioration) rounded down

Seems reasonable to me.


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