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postapocalyptic short video wonderful world

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Ok here is a short postapocalyptic video we made in one abandoned factory in our city Kosice in Slovakia


1. The Bomb looks really bad (Plastic Mini Nuke in the Sand)
2. It looks like Counter Strike
3. lmao at the grenade

The general impression is pretty good, but it have a few cons:

1. These guys (especially the one in white shirt) is always smiling, while it's an appropriate lifestyle in the post-apo world
2. The black shirt guy is simulating recoil when shooting, while the other one isn't.
3. Why both of them are acting like idiots? I didn't get it. If it's a fight, then they should act like they are fighting. 

White Eagle:
hahahah, nice good job, ok this when bomb blows up its a bit too fake but others is awesome, good job

Uncle Mike:
Two people shoot each other without any visible reason, first one who talks gets first bullet, in the end they die both... Hm.. Looks like typical fonline encounter to me  :D

Looks good, but really needs a story  :P


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