Other > Closed suggestions

Mining with supersledge

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Hey idk if it is possible to mine with a supersledge... never saw one  ;D but i tought about this...

Mining cooldown is pretty long(well if u got to gather 11 alloys it is) and i can understand it... from a logical point of view mining is hard... but if u use a supersledge to do it  :o since the hammer itself does most of the work would'nt it be good if it had a lower cooldown? It would even use one small energy cell / mining like normal use of it... well i think.

thats just a simple suggestion... but just a minute or 2 less then with a normal sledge would, imo, improve the need for supersledge and makes lot of people gather faster...

Oh and why can an enegy expert make all energy weapons but need to have 125% melee to make a supersledge?


--- Quote from: Allonzo7 on February 07, 2010, 02:25:06 am ---Oh and why can an enegy expert make all energy weapons but need to have 125% melee to make a supersledge?

--- End quote ---

1) Who said about energy expert? You can do that without any energy knowledge. ;p You just need 125% melee and 80% science.
2) And why just melee fighter need to put so much points to energy weapon to make super cattle prod? ;p

ok, who talked about energy expert? well i did say it i think  ::)

i know u can make a suprsledge even if u dont have the proffession energy expert... i was just wondering how can i be able to craft a plasma rifle but cant figure out how to make a supersledge... but thats not the point... forget about the question and gimme ur opinion on the mining thing :D

People will get Super Sledges pretty fast (stealing, killing others who are mining, bartering, bigger factions have their ressources anyway) so the old sledge will become senseless.
Don't get me wrong, I like your idea, but there have to be always reasons for some people to keep the "low tier stuff".

yes it is possible to mine with it, just he doesnt have "use on" option, so you have to use it from your inventory. And i agree that you should mine faster with ss hammer :>


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